We Know the Truth Do You? Area 51 Anthology Release Tour
Don’t bother with the raid. Stay home and learn all about it in the comfort of your own home.
We Know the Truth Do You? Area 51
What’s in Area 51? Is the government hiding aliens? Elvis? Maybe the set of the Apollo moon landing? Do you know?
We do.
Join this multi-genre group as they explore the hidden recesses of Area 51, which up until now have only been whispered conspiracies. Don’t bother with the raid. Stay home, read these awesome stories and learn all you need to know.
The truth is just a page-flip away.
*All proceeds will go to US Veterans.
Website: https://area51raidanthology.com/
Universal Book Links: https://books2read.com/u/mv22qz
We Know the Truth Do You? Area 51
We Know the Truth Do You? Interview with the Authors
An Anthology to Celebrate the Raid
1. What was your favorite part about writing your story contribution?
Annie Walls (Author of Lavish Lure) – I loved writing an interesting twist to the mystery of Area 51. People always claim aliens, but what if aliens are just a cover up story?
Beverly Ovalle (Author of The Road to Eden) – I laughed as I wrote it. All I require is a quiet spot to write, something to drink, and something to munch on. Listening to my amazon playlist kept me on track.
Cass Alex (Author of Them Versus Us) – My favorite part of writing this story was stepping outside my usual genres to write something new and different.
Chrys Fey (Author of Detective Heavenborn) – Working with a beloved, mysterious character. I haven’t had a chance to publish her books yet, but it was a lot of fun creating a story for readers to get to know her.
C.L. Roman (Author of Not Your Father’s Area 51) – My favorite part was telling another Thomas and Dana story. Their relationship has developed over the course of several novelettes and they are a fun couple to write. Right now, I’m in between offices as my new workspace is being built, so I start my day at the dining room table, which is the only semi-secluded, work-appropriate space in our house. The gym, coffee, the work, in that order is how most of my days start.
Harley Easton (Author of In the Air Tonight) – How it unexpectedly sprang up because of a couple of classic songs on the radio that were totally not about aliens.
Jennie L. Morris (Author of Galaxy Genetics Inc.) – I enjoyed stepping outside my usual realm of Historical Fiction and write a Sci-Fi story. I love space movies, and although this was just a short story, I treated it as if I was writing a movie. I don’t have any particular ritual, besides I tend to have a cup or two of tea during a writing session.
Jennifer Wedmore (Author of What We Became) – I started with two different stories and couldn’t figure out which to keep writing, then I realized I could combine them. LOVE!
Sherry Rentschler (Author of Mermurings) – I liked the idea of using my Air Force background to give a dose of “reality” to my fiction. I played the theme song from the SYFY series Defiance to help me find a special weirdness I wanted. In the day I write by the kitchen window. At night, in the dining room by candlelight and my digital fireplace. I’m a mood-setter.
Valerie Puri (Author of Burner Phone) – My favorite part about writing Burner Phone was coming up with an original Area 51 conspiracy.
2. If you were pitching your story, what would be your pitch?
Annie Walls (Lavish Lure): After paying top dollar for her own desires, Cassie uncovers the secret of Area 51 and she wants to expose it. Seek the answers and the risks in Lavish Lure.
Arthur M. Doweyko (P’sall Senji) – What if aliens really did contact us and seemed rather friendly, but the night before one of them warns us of an impending takeover?
Chrys Fey (Detective Heavenborn): Who is Detective Heavenborn, and what’s inside the package she has to retrieve from Area 51?
C.L. Roman (Not Your Father’s Area 51): “Getting in isn’t the problem. The real challenge will be getting out alive.” Plagued by setbacks and minor catastrophes, Thomas and Dana are trying to plan their wedding. But the real trouble starts with a mysterious package sent by relatives Thomas thought long dead. Can the couple get to Rachel, Nevada in time to save his loved ones? Only time and the guards at Area 51 can tell.
Jennie L. Morris (Galaxy Genetics Inc.): Earth is a dead planet. Humankind colonized other planets and moons in the solar system. Galaxy Genetics Inc. sends out teams to collect rare DNA samples to use in their medical and bio-warfare research. Following an ancient rumor of a long-dead species held at Area 51, Galaxy Genetics dispatches one of their top teams to investigate. The pair soon run into something intriguing and dangerous in the corroded science bunker beneath Area 51.
Something lurks deep within the bunkers of Area 51.
Jennifer Wedmore (What We Became): How do Aliens and Human’s live together and survive?
As visitors from the stars were being welcomed by the President, standing nearby, Henry Willoughby patted the revolver in his pocket. The time had come to save the world.
Sherry Rentschler (Mermurings): Word is there is a conspiracy of secrets surrounding Area 51. What if the secrets are the conspiracy because the government has nothing to hide?
The secret to Area 51 is a belief in a lie.
But the truth is there’s magic at Area 51. And it’s dying.
Valerie Puri (Burner Phone): When Jimmy signs up for the Area 51 raid as a joke, he gets more than he bargains for. As his pursuit for the truth intensifies, he teams up with a like-minded individual. Together they infiltrate Area 51. Jimmy not only finds himself in the middle of a UFO crash site, but a conspiracy that goes deeper than he ever imagined. He is determined to expose the truth before it’s too late.
3. How much research did you do and what type?
Beverly Ovalle: Just researching on the Storm Area 51 you can’t stop us all page, plus I watched a few videos about Area 51. One was a group that went out to the gate so I used the actual description of the gate in my story.
Cass Alex: I spent far too much time looking at military rankings, topography of the area, possible building specs, researching weapons, and speaking with military personnel.
Chrys Fey: I looked up what is known about Area 51 and came across a video revealing the hidden location of 9 sand-textured UFO hangars along the base of the Papoose Mountain, which is believed to be Sector 4. Those hangars are featured in Detective Heavenborn.
C.L. Roman: I spent a good bit of time covering the geography of that part of Nevada. And I have a source who has actually been to Area 51, so that was helpful. No, I can’t tell you who it was. There are rules.
Harley Easton: I researched everything from average temperatures and distances in the area to how far you can see fireworks from certain elevations in specific weather conditions
Jennie L. Morris: I researched planets and astronomical bodies and objects in our solar system. With a background in biology, I brushed up on a few genetic terms like HOX genes, and which ones are responsible for activating a limb bud during embryonic growth.
Jennifer Wedmore: No research, I think I looked up the name of the land around the area and where it was exactly. That’s all.
Sherry Rentschler: I read articles contained in Project Bluebook, geographical records of Area 51 and the FOIA releases from 2013 once Area 51 became public record.
Valerie Puri: I read up on popular Area 51 conspiracy theories and watched Ancient Aliens on History Channel. There are so many theories out there, it’s endless book fodder!
4. Do you think the UFO sightings reported by Navy Pilots in 2014-2015 are real and why, and if not, what do you think they saw?
Arthur M. Doweyko: Of course, UFOs are real – Any flying object that cannot be identified is real enough. Are they piloted by aliens from another world? Unmanned would be more likely. But you have to wonder – why is it that they always seem so easy to spot – always lit up? Would you make sure your spacecraft was easy to see if exploring a new, inhabited world?
Beverly Ovalle: Yes. We really can’t be the only semi-intelligent species in the universe.
Cass Alex: Do I believe the Naval Pilots saw potential alien crafts? Absolutely. But my view is biased – I was 12 when I first something in the sky that was in no way earthly. The way to shape moved, darted, appeared elsewhere in nearly a blink, even at that age I knew our technology was far from that advanced. It left no doubt at being a craft (not a weather balloon, a plane, a toy) and it spent time circling over a specific area for a good 15-20 minutes before darting off in a complete vanish.
Chrys Fey: I believe them. Pilots can see any number of things in the sky, some of which they may not be able to explain.
C.L. Roman: I don’t see any reason why they wouldn’t be real. It pushes the limits of credulity to think that there wouldn’t be life on other planets, some of them perhaps considerably more advanced than humankind. Logic dictates that, if life arose here, it could very well have done so elsewhere.
Harley Easton: Totally real. Mainly because UFO only means an object is unidentified, but also because it’s pretty egocentric to think that human beings are the only intelligent life in a universe that is widely unknown to us.
Jennie L. Morris: I believe that the universe is too immense for there not to be alien lifeforms. If their aliens advanced enough for space travel, it seems likely they’d seem humanity as an inferior species as we are too occupied with making war with ourselves. Could the Navy Pilots have seen UFO sightings? Sure. I keep an open mind. As said in the on the X-Files: “The Truth is Out There.”
Jennifer Wedmore: I think they saw military testing new technology and planes. I don’t believe in Aliens or the unseen.
Sherry Rentschler: I do believe we have been visited. I cannot imagine a vast universe without any other beings in it. Nature on our planet has amazing creatures on land, air, and sea. Why not the universe which is all about balance? But do I think we’re being watched by little green men? No. I think somewhat was reported was experimental aircraft. And the rest? I cannot explain but am hopeful we will one day experience a revelation. I hope we are more open and civilized when it happens. Maybe what’s out there is waiting for us to become better than we are, too.
Valerie Puri: They definitely saw something. As to what they saw? I can’t say. They were UFOs by dentition: unidentified flying objects. Whether they were extra-terrestrial or not, that remains a mystery.
Elizabeth Seckman
September 23, 2019 @ 14:22
This definitely sounds like a fun read!
Chrys Fey
September 23, 2019 @ 10:53
Thank you SOOO much for hosting us, Juneta! **HUGS**
Cheri Roman
September 22, 2019 @ 08:56
Thanks for hosting us!
Pat HAtt
September 21, 2019 @ 16:27
Agreed with many, as it is egocentric to think we are the only life out there. There may or may not be more advanced then us, but there can easily be some worm things haha
Alex J. Cavanaugh
September 21, 2019 @ 06:21
I really like their taglines.
The old music video for In the Air Tonight does look rather alien…