Voyagers The Third Ghost An IWSG Anthology
Voyagers the Third Ghost an IWSG Anthology

Journey into the past…
Will the third ghost be found before fires take more lives? Can everyone be warned before Pompeii is buried again? What happens if a blizzard traps a family in East Germany? Will the Firebird help Soviet sisters outwit evil during WWII? And sneaking off to see the first aeroplane – what could go wrong?
Ten authors explore the past, sending their young protagonists on harrowing adventures. Featuring the talents of Yvonne Ventresca, Katharina Gerlach, Roland Clarke, Sherry Ellis, Rebecca M. Douglass, Bish Denham, Charles Kowalski, Louise MacBeath Barbour, Beth Anderson Schuck, and L.T. Ward.
Hand-picked by a panel of agents, authors, and editors, these ten tales will take readers on a voyage of wonder into history. Get ready for an exciting ride!
Voyagers The Third Ghost An IWSG Anthology
Meet the authors of Voyagers the Third Ghost anthology.

The Third Ghost
Among darkened,
arson-damaged streets,
a boy stops to help two ghosts until he realizes his own family is in grave danger.
Bio: Yvonne Ventresca is the award-winning author of Black Flowers, White Lies and Pandemic. In addition to her young adult novels, Yvonne’s other work includes two nonfiction books and several short stories selected for anthologies, including the forthcoming Voyagers: The Third Ghost. You can learn more at, where she features resources for writers.
Voyagers The Third Ghost An IWSG Anthology

The Ghosts of Pompeii
Mount Vesuvius is about to blow and it’s up to Bubba and Squirt to warn everyone, so they don’t end up like the Ghosts of Pompeii.
Bio: Award-winning author Sherry Ellis is a professional musician who plays and teaches violin, viola, and piano. When she’s not writing or engaged in musical activities, she can be found taking care of household chores, hiking, or exploring the world. She lives in Atlanta, Georgia.
Voyagers The Third Ghost An IWSG Anthology

The Blind Ship
Will the Le Rôdeur reach port, or will it disappear below the waves taking its crew and passengers with it?
Bio: Bish Denham is from the U.S. Virgin Islands, where her family has lived for over a hundred years. The author of two middle grade novels, A LIZARD’S TAIL and THE BOWL AND THE STONE, as well as a collection of retold Jamaican Anansi stories called, ANANSI AND COMPANY. She says, “Growing up in the islands was like living inside a history book.”

Dare Double Dare
Who can resist a dare to enter a forbidden room? Sara and her brother Kelsey find themselves in dire circumstances a long way from home after a rash dare and double dare.
BIO: Louise MacBeath Barbour Born in Nova Scotia and raised throughout eastern Canada, Louise is a writer and blogger who now lives in Colorado. She writes fiction and nonfiction with the encouragement of her supportive husband. “Dare Double Dare” is her first middle grade story.

Return to Cahokia
Will Tonalli, her mother, and her siblings, Warm Weather gods, complete their spring journey to Cahokia, and what will happen if they don’t?
Bio: L. T. Ward hails from the Land of Corn, otherwise known as Central Illinois, where weather inspires her literary works. When not writing speculative fiction shorts and novels, she spends her days raising a brood of plague monsters (a.k.a. her children) as well as satisfying her never-ending thirst for knowledge through reading, meeting people, and first-hand life experiences.
Voyagers The Third Ghost An IWSG Anthology

Feathered Fire
Will the Firebird help Soviet sisters Vasy and Kalyna outwit evil during WW II?
BIO: After diverse careers, Roland Clarke was an equestrian journalist and green activist when chronic illness hastened retirement. But he hasn’t stopped exploring rabbit holes and writing – mainly mystery novels and varied shorts. Roland and his wife – both avid gamers – now live in Idaho (USA) with their four fur-babies, although their hearts are in North Wales (UK).
Voyagers The Third Ghost An IWSG Anthology

The Orchard
Can Nels, with her magical connections to nature, and Della help each other survive in a remote area of Utah over a century ago?
Bio: Beth Anderson Schuck is a retired librarian who believes reading can take you anywhere. She writes historical fiction featuring willful female characters. Being in nature whether hiking, bird watching or gardening makes her whole.

Simon Grey and the Yamamba
Can the yokai help Simon and Oyuki escape deadly danger on a mountain?
Bio: Charles Kowalski has published the full story of Simon, Oyuki and their adventures through haunted Japan in Simon Grey and the March of a Hundred Ghosts. In addition to to middle-grade fantasy, Charles’ thrillers for adults, Mind Virus and The Devil’s Son, have won prizes and nominations including the Rocky Mountain Fiction Writers’ Colorado Gold Award, the Killer Nashville Silver Falchion Award, and the Adventure Writers Grandmaster Award.
Voyagers The Third Ghost An IWSG Anthology
A World of Trouble
Sneaking off to see their first aeroplane: What could go wrong for Mattie and Gordon?
Bio: Rebecca Douglas is the author of the delightful Ninja Librarian books, as well as a picture book for outdoor families, a mystery series for the parents, and her middle-grade fantasy, Halitor the Hero. After more than seventeen years working at the library, she has retired still without learning all the secrets of the Ninja Librarian.
Winter Days
Will Katie’s family be arrested after a blizzard delays their return from a Christmas trip to East Germany?
Bio: Katharina Gerlach currently writes stories of varying length in fantastical and historical genres. She runs the Indie Authors’ Advent Calendar each year, a free for all story feast.
Voyagers The Third Ghost An IWSG Anthology
More from these authors on May 13th, 2020, Wed at Stormdance Publications Spotlight. Find out why these authors like to write short stories.

Journey into the past.
Will the third ghost be found before fires take more lives? Can everyone be warned before Pompeii is buried again? What happens if a blizzard traps a family in East Germany?
Will the Firebird help Soviet sisters outwit evil during WWII?
And sneaking off to see the first aeroplane – what could go wrong?
Ten authors explore the past, sending their young protagonists on harrowing adventures. Featuring the talents of Yvonne Ventresca, Katharina Gerlach, Roland Clarke, Sherry Ellis, Rebecca M. Douglass,
Bish Denham, Charles Kowalski, Louise MacBeath Barbour, Beth Anderson Schuck, and L.T. Ward.
Hand-picked by a panel of agents, authors, and editors, these ten tales will take readers on a voyage of wonder into history. Get ready for an exciting ride!
On Goodreads
You can find more post by the authors in this anthology @ IWSG Anthology Website.
$13.95 USA, 6×9 Trade paperback, 168 pages, Freedom Fox Press
Juvenile Fiction: Historical (JUV016000) / Action & Adventure (JUV001000) / Fantasy & Magic (JUV037000)
Print ISBN 9781939844729 eBook ISBN 9781939844736
Order through Ingram, Follett Library Resources, or publisher direct
$4.99 EBook available in all formats
Founded by author Alex J. Cavanaugh, the Insecure Writer’s Support Group offers support for writers and authors alike. It provides an online database; articles; monthly blog posting; Facebook, Twitter, & Instagram groups; #IWSGPit, and a newsletter.
Find out about the other anthologies produced by The Insecure Writer’s Support Group here.
May 12, 2020 @ 23:07
Hi, Juneta! Thanks for spreading the news about “Voyagers: The Third Ghost.” It’s exiting to finally see the book in print, and it is definitely fun read!
May 11, 2020 @ 12:07
A fine group of authors there!
May 11, 2020 @ 07:26
It’s a great read!