Storytime Blog Hop July 25th, 2018
Storytime Blog July 25th, 2018
I apologize. This is not speculative fiction. I decided to pull my story The Birch Tree last minute because the ending is just not right.  So in its place, I am including a poem I wrote that still applies today. Maybe more so than when I first wrote it. It tells a story of a journey someone I used to be, that I want to be again and who disappeared somewhere along the way. I am working on finding her again.    Check out the other stories at bottom of this post. Â
I want to fly free like the wind,
Lose my cares, forget my woes.Â
I dream of another me,
Without labels or boxed in.Â
Soaring with the Wind,
Surfing gales, gliding high
Unfurled wings of imagination,
Carried up to lofty heights.
Harmony’s vibration a song I want to know well,
Like a fire that consumes me,Â
Growth & Peace I call to me,
Cradling hope in Joy’s elusive light.
So I speed into the black night,
The drum of the radio a rhythm of flight. Â
Hair wild in the wind,Â
My voice raised in song.
The motor hums.Â
I believe in the power of change.
I feel freedom’s emulation,
In the seat of a four-wheeled Mustang.
© Juneta Key
Radio up, wind in the hair and motor humming. I got that much right, lol.
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Be sure to visit the other participates!
Storytime Participates
The Birch Tree, by Juneta Key <<YOU ARE HERE
Team Building Exercise, by Samantha Bryant
Another Time, by J. Q. Rose
Suds and Scales, by Eileen Mueller
Beginning Again, by Karen Lynn
Under The Bridge, by Katharina Gerlach
Black and White, by Bill Bush
Summer Siren, by Elizabeth McCleary
The Zoning Zone, by Vanessa Wells
Secrets, by Elizabeth Winfield