IWSG MAY 2ND, 2018
Twitter is @TheIWSG Hashtag: #IWSG
Writer’s supporting, encouraging and learning from each other.  Post on your own blog about your struggles, your triumphs, and your successes.  Talk about your works in progress the good, the bad and the ugly or some other writing relating topic on your mind.  Read others, interact, comment, and grow within this wonderful author community.  Every month there is an optional question for those who may need help figuring out what to post about.
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OPTIONAL IWSG Day Question: It’s spring! Does this season inspire you to write more than others, or not?
Not really, but the fact there is so much going in April every year does. The A to Z Challenge, NaNoWriMo Camp and Storytime Blog Hop. I have never done the A to Z, but I do visit a few of the blogs all month. There were some really great themes this year. I did a guest post on RonelTheMythMaker Blog appearing the last day, April 30th. Her theme Everything Writerly!
 I feel impatient. I swing from impatient, lost to overwhelm, to feeling stuck. The job search is still ongoing. I am stuck in the same ole rut like a mouse on a wheel chasing cheese–three steps forward and five steps back. I am so tired of letting the emotional circus of life suck me back into the mire.
I am making a push to get some short stories written and send out to magazines. I am also pushing to finish the first draft of my series Apocalypse, Signed, Sealed & Delivered.  I still don’t know if it will end up being a full novel or a novella. I have 4 planned for sure but most likely five in the series.  I would like to publish by end of this year or beginning of next.  The ANGST is I am not writing enough or daily, despite making my NaNo word goal.
I joined The Write Practice Story Cartel course which includes the community Becoming Writer which is a paid membership. I am trying to move myself to the next level.  I was able to grab the launch price on a payment plan that I could afford with a little sacrifice, otherwise, I would not have been able to do it. It is an eight-week course with assignment deadlines and a mentor for this course students, which means help with accountability or anything else course or writer related through email anytime or the FB group, a sort of one on one as needed.  It is about writing but encompassing all the things that being a writer includes like building a platform, an audience and a community with some focus.  It is taught by Joe Bunting of The Write Practice. I have been following him for a long time and reading his posts and others on
The Write Practice blog.
I am also setting up a basic e-commerce website for a friend who did not know how to do that. It is a bit of a learning process for me too, but I also know how to do a basic website in WordPress as I did my own website.
[themify_box style=”black announcement”]APRIL SPOTLIGHTS WERE…[/themify_box]
by Yolanda ReneeÂ
(She talks about her inspiration for her short story that appears in the IWSG Anthology Tick Tock: A Stitch In Crime. This is actually a May 2nd Spotlight, but since Tick Tock was one in April I thought I would include it this month too.)
The Letter by Juneta Key (Short Story)
Storytime Blog Hop April 25th, 2018
The Widow by Vanessa Wells (Short Story host on my blog)
Storytime Blog Hop April 25th, 2018