Snow White (17) MURDERED by K. M. Flint Storytime Blog Hop January 31st –
[themify_box style=”dkgray comment”]Welcome to January 31, 2018 Storytime Blog Hop. Today I am doing something different. I am hosting 2 of my fellow Holly Lisle classmates and writer-ly colleagues on my blog, Writer’s Gambit. I am honored to give K. M. Flint story…[/themify_box]
Storytime Blog Hop January 31st
Snow White (17) MURDERED
(Article appeared in the FarAway Times, by K.M. Flint)
An announcement has been made from The Palace this morning that our beloved Princess Snow White (17) ‘Fairest in the Land’ has been killed yesterday by person(s) unknown.
The whole country is in deep mourning.
Our beloved Regentess the Queen (age unknown) has announced ‘There will be a thorough investigation into the true happenings, the Hunter (44) will look into the demise of Snow White (17)’
Sources from the Palace whisper that SUSPICION already leans heavily on the 7 Dwarves, the likes of whom our beloved Princess, unfortunately, frequented these past months.
These Dwarves who for reasons unknown live in a rickety shack deep in the woods, gave a statement to your reporter early this afternoon.
Their spokesdwarf (a shifty individual wearing glasses) declared:
“We the Seven Dwarves, hereby announce that yesterday afternoon the Princess Snow White(17) has been robbed of her life by a cowardly but successful assassination attempt. We are deeply saddened but the attack was not unexpected. An ugly old witchy woman was sighted around 3 o’clock nearby our house in the woods. Shortly thereafter we received word from a trustworthy friend that Snow White(17) had become unwell and we hurried home from our place of work. There she was, already lifeless. We, the Seven Dwarves shall make Her Highness a glass coffin so everybody will be able to still see our beloved Princess. She will spend her eternal slumber in a clearing not far from our home. We keep holding out hope for a happy ending.”
This statement dear readers is of course extremely suspicious in and of itself!
Our dear Princess never had to fear anything or anybody! Only the bad company she kept this last year could have meant her any harm at all!
How much importance must we accredit to the socalled apparition of an old witchy woman, ugly or otherwise?
No one except for this ‘trustworthy friend’ of the Dwarves has seen her.
And what to think of this wild idea of a glass coffin?
Why can she not be buried decently in the Family Crypt?
It’s not like there will be a Prince Charming riding to that clearing to kiss Snow White(17) awake!
Our dear Queen Regentess (age unknown) now ‘Fairest in the Land’ has by statement announced to take thorough and definitive measures against whomever who attacks or defies The Palace, now or in the future. The Hunter (44) has been dispatched to investigate and if necessary remove any threat against our Queen Regentess (age unknown).
Not only persons like these Dwarves but also potentially dangerous elements like Dragons and Unicorns must as of this day forward be sharply observed and when necessary forcibly removed from our happy Land.
As soon as there is more news in this utterly mystifying case, our reporters from the FarAway Times will make it known to you in our usual elaborate and truthful way.
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K.M. Flint is a Dutch author who writes mainly flash fiction at the moment. She dreams of epic stories looking out over the Frisian countryside. Her hobbies are reading, ballroomdancing and walking her chocolate Labrador Rosh.
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STORYTIME BLOG HOP PARTICIPATES – Click the links and read more stories around the globe. And don’t forget to scroll all the way to the bottom of the post and leave us a comment. We all love those.
- Monstrous Monday by Fanni Soto
- Grandma’s Legacy by Elizabeth McCleary
- Dragonslayer by Barbara Lund
- Megan’s Virus by Karen Lynn
- Studenting by Chris Makowski
- I, The Magician by Raven O’Fiernan
- Growth Spurt by Bill Bush
- Mystical Manatee Park by J. Q. Rose
- Phased Out by Kami Bataya
- A Character Profile by Juneta Key
Storytime Blog Hop – Jan 2018 | Angela Wooldridge
April 30, 2019 @ 08:51
[…] Snow White (17) MURDERED by K. M. Flint […]
February 2, 2018 @ 09:08
I love fairy tale rewritings in every shape and form and this was a very entertaining one. Funnily enough I needed to write a similar article for a university seminar and I also chose the story of Snow White. 🙂
February 1, 2018 @ 17:10
A nice retelling. And I do think it’s similar to our modern everything is political newspaper articles. Hope they catch the real killer before all the unicorns are deported!
February 1, 2018 @ 13:33
This reporter is clearly under the thumb of the Queen. lol
February 1, 2018 @ 10:38
Cleverly done. Thoroughly entertaining. I do so hope for a happy ending…LOL..
JQ Rose
February 1, 2018 @ 11:16
I am plotting two sequels….
January 31, 2018 @ 23:04
Thanks for your kind comments, I wrote this after reading a real newspaper article that was written in exactly this style. I asked a British friend why a journalist would treat a bereaved husband (break in robbery gone bad, wife of 30 years murdered) so badly and without any respect. He answered ‘That’s how we do things here’.
Raven's Scribblings – I – The Magician
January 31, 2018 @ 20:04
[…] Snow White (17) MURDERED by K. M. Flint […]
January 31, 2018 @ 17:55
Thoroughly enjoyed your sense of humor here!
January 31, 2018 @ 13:55
Fun. I loved this.
January 31, 2018 @ 09:37
Very cute. Good job!
January Blog Hop |
January 31, 2018 @ 04:00
[…] Manatee Park by J. Q. Rose Phased Out by Kami Bataya Snow White (17) MURDERED by K. M. Flint A Character Profile by Juneta Key Monstrous Monday by Fanni Soto Grandma’s […]
Storytime Blog Hop January 31st Studenting by Chris Makowski -
January 31, 2018 @ 00:02
[…] Storytime Blog Hop January 31st – Snow White (17) MURDERED by K. M. Flint […]