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  1. Lori L. MacLaughlin
    March 29, 2022 @ 19:50

    It’s great that you’re expanding your horizons with a YA novel. You’ll be able to branch out and diversify. Sometimes it’s hard to figure out the story and voices, but eventually it will start to flow. I’ve been enjoying Smoak’s turn with the newsletter. He’s such an interesting character. And I like his choice of movies. I didn’t know there was going to be a sequel to Avatar. Definitely looking forward to that. Best of luck with your story!


  2. Elizabeth Mueller
    March 4, 2022 @ 23:15

    Writing in a genre when you aren’t used to it is a learning curve for sure! I was used to fantasy and a book distributor told me that the book I’d just published wasn’t marketable and he told me to write realistic fiction. I was devastated but it was helpful because now I can write realistic along with other genres that are not fantasy! I have faith in you!


  3. Elizabeth Seckman
    March 4, 2022 @ 13:54

    Best of luck with your story. I don’t read YA much either and should start checking it out.


  4. Yvonne V
    March 3, 2022 @ 19:43

    Best of luck with the story! I love YA. 🙂 I’m glad you found a story you enjoyed reading.


  5. Natalie Aguirre
    March 3, 2022 @ 06:44

    That’s so cool that your flash fiction turned into a YA novel. There’s so many good YA stories that can inspire you on. Good luck in the adventure of writing a much larger project than you intended.


  6. Shannon Lawrence
    March 3, 2022 @ 01:49

    I’m glad you found the right genre for your story! Sometimes that’s the tricky part. I inadvertently wrote YA for my first WIP. I’ve learned a lot since then, so I’ve been pondering revisiting it and making it less cliched. Good luck as you continue on your way! I enjoyed Kelley Armstrong’s YA series. One of the books is called “The Gathering,” but I don’t remember if it was the first one. All the others are two word titles like that one. But I was already an Armstrong fan before I read her YA.


    • admin2
      March 4, 2022 @ 01:59

      Thanks for the recommendation. I bought the book looks good.


  7. L. Diane Wolfe
    March 2, 2022 @ 19:24

    Smoak – I love that name. Never change it.


  8. Alex J. Cavanaugh
    March 2, 2022 @ 19:06

    I don’t think I could write young adult.
    I’ve heard Ender’s Game is technically young adult if you need more to read…


  9. Janet Alcorn
    March 2, 2022 @ 18:53

    Oh, yes–chatty characters! I know about those. Mine like to talk to me in the shower. Like, seriously, folks, can’t I have even a little privacy? 🙂

    Good luck with your project!


  10. MIffie Seideman
    March 2, 2022 @ 17:49

    Finding a character voice can be so tough. It took me a big chunk of this past year with starts and stops, lots of ripped up paper, and not a few moments of frustration before my YA MCs voice came spilling out of me one night. I was actually afraid to go to sleep and lose the voice by morning. LOL. I am glad you found a book series to inspire your search for the right voice/


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