Power Surge by Sara Codair YA Fantasy

Power Surge Blurb:
Erin has just realized that for the entirety of their life, their family has lied to them. Their Sight has been masked for years, so Erin thought the Pixies and Mermaids were hallucinations. Not only are the supernatural creatures they see daily real, but their grandmother is an Elf, meaning Erin isn’t fully human. On top of that, the dreams Erin thought were nightmares are actually prophecies.
While dealing with the anger they have over all of the lies, they are getting used to their new boyfriend, their boyfriend’s bullying ex, and the fact that they come from a family of Demon Hunters. As Erin struggles through everything weighing on them, they uncover a Demon plot to take over the world.
Erin just wants some time to work through it all on their own terms, but that’s going to have to wait until after they help save the world.
Character Interview: Meet Erin & Mel

Interviewed by Sara Codair
Author of Power Surge
Hi! I’m Sara, author of Power Surge and over fifty short stories.
I’ve journeyed through the multiverse to find and interview a character from my novel, Power Surge. I not only managed to get Erin, the character who narrates the story, but I was also able to convince their cousin, Mel, to join us as well.
Sara: I’ll start with easy question. What are your pronouns?
Erin: They/Them/Theirs.
Mel: She/Her/Hers. What are yours?
Sara: When talking, I’m fine with They/Them/Theirs and She/Her/Hers, but if some one is writing about me, that person should use They/Them/Theirs. (turns to Erin) In Power Surge, you recently learned that you were part of a family of demon hunters. Were you surprised when you found out?
Erin: Not as much as you would expect. It explained a lot about my family, so finding out was like finally finishing a puzzle I thought I’d never find the missing pieces too.
Mel: Erin has never finished a puzzle in their entire life.
Erin: (glares at Mel) Maybe I could now that I am actually on the right ADHD medicine. One that isn’t made for people with fully human brains…one that would’ve been helpful years ago.
Mel: I wanted to tell you the truth, but I promised not to and I literally could not break that promise.
Sara: Hey! Let’s talk about something more fun and less likely to result in a fist fight. Mel and Erin, you two are constantly eating all kinds of unhealthy things between demon hunts. What is your favorite food?
Erin: You really have to ask that?
Mel: (Laughs). Erin couldn’t pick one food if you paid them. And before you ask, I can’t pick one either. Just categories. Breakfast and chocolate.
Sara: Right. So if you had to live w-
Mel: Celery. If I had to live without one food, it would be celery.
Erin: (Looks at Mel) You do know they hadn’t actually finished asking the question, right?
Mel: (Shrugs) Maybe.
Sara: Erin, what about you? What food could you live with out?
Erin: Oatmeal raisin cookies. I look at them quickly, think they are chocolate chip, and get a mouthful of grainy raisin yuck instead of yummy chocolate.
Mel: The question you’re thinking about asking could get awkward.
Sara: (Nods to Mel). Alright, alright, I’ll ask something safer. No offense to you and Erin, and the other demon hunters, but I think Bessie is my favorite character in the book.
Erin: No offense taken. Dogs are way cooler than people, even if they are big bacon thieves.
Sara: Erin, can you tell me a little more about how you and Bessie found each other?
Erin: Mel should probably start that story, because technically, Bessie lived with her first.
Mel: Anyone who read Power Surge should know that when I was kid, my mom lost the bottom half of her legs to a Kraken, which is a sea demon with acidic tentacles. Mom gets around fine in private where she can rely on pixies and her energy manipulation abilities, but in public, that didn’t work out so well.
Erin: (Smirking) Pixies don’t want humans knowing they exist, so they make themselves invisible. If one got aunty Lucy a package of cookies from a shelf at the grocery store, it would look like it was floating.
Sara: So what does this have to do with Bessie?
Erin: Bessie was supposed to be a service dog. Mel was getting busy with high school, college tours, and healing wounded demon hunters. OK, I wasn’t aware of that last one at the time. Anyway, Aunty Lucy adopted Bessie as a puppy and hired a trainer to teach her how to help Aunty Lucy get around in public. My mom was working full time and working on a graduate degree full time so I was practically living with Erin and Aunty Lucy. Bessie was way more into playing with me than training.
Mel: Not all dogs are cut out to be service dogs, and more importantly, the dog has to want to the job. Bessie wanted to play, beg, and jump all over people. She had no problem learning to open doors and retrieve items for Mom, but she refused to be polite in public. We would’ve kept her anyway, but Bessie loved Erin, and Erin…
Erin: I needed Bessie. By the time they fully gave up on her being a service dog, I was starting high school and Mel was starting college. I was experiencing my first major bout of depression. Bessie was my best friend. I couldn’t stand to be apart from her, so Mom and Aunty Lucy decided she should come live with me. She’s had my back ever since.
Sara: When you say Bessie has your back, what do you mean she backs you up when you’re fighting demons?
Erin: No!Why would you even ask that? I’d never bring Bessie to a fight. She makes sure I wake up in morning, licks my tears away, and loves me no matter what I do to other people. She grounds me if I have a panic attack, literally, by sitting on me. She’s even stopped me from self-harming.
Mel: Bessie is the best thing that ever happened to Erin.
Sara: I’m glad they have each other!
Well, Erin and Mel need to get back to their bubble of the universe before all Hell breaks lose on them.
Mel: What? Don’t you dare write what you thinking about!
Sara: (Cackles with an evil grin as Erin and Mel fade back to their own reality)People Erin and Mel loves are going to disappear very soon, and it will take every ounce of cunning and determination those cousins have to get their loved ones back.
I don’t have a release date for the second book in The Evanstar Chronicles, but I will announce it all over social media when I do.

About Sara
Sara Codair teaches and tutors writing at a community college and has published over fifty short stories and poems. Their cat, Goose, edits their work by deleting entire pages. Sara’s stories appear in Broadswords and Blasters, Vulture Bones, Alternative Truths, and Drabbledark. Sara’s first novel, Power Surge, was published on Oct. 1, 2018.
Social Media:
Twitter: @ShatteredSmooth
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/SaraCodair1
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/shatteredsmooth/
Website: https://saracodair.com/
Amazon Author Page: amazon.com/author/saracodair
Goodreads: https://www.goodreads.com/author/show/15858102.Sara_Codair

Buy Links:
Amazon: https://amzn.to/2TpztNe
Barnes and Nobel: https://www.barnesandnoble.com/w/power-surge-sara-codair/1129616729
Smashwords: https://www.smashwords.com/books/view/897512
NineStar Press: https://ninestarpress.com/product/power-surge/