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August 24th, 2014
#8Sunday-Twitter Hashtag
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My eight sentences below:
“Such dedication.”
Heiden pivoted. Recognizing the intruder, he forced his muscles to relax. Irritation marred his blonde scowl sparking the light of his steel-gray eyes. “You court danger, angel, sneaking up on me.”
“I do not sneak. I merely appear.”
“Whatever, what brings an Archangel to purgatory?”
The Blade of Eden is the first book in my five book series Guardian of the Seals: Apocalypse, Signed, Sealed, & Delivered. This excerpt is taken from my first draft, as I create the first story featuring the second horseman of the Apocalypse, War. My character Heiden Grim.
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Upcoming stories will feature Azrael, who is The Angel of Death, Maximus, who is Pestilence, and Kisspin, who is Famine. The last book will bring their stories to a close featuring Azrael as my main character, and his brothers. The plan for now is once all books are finished, and released, to include them in an all-inclusive book set anthology called, Apocalypse, Signed, Sealed & Delivered: Guardians of the Seals.
The idea stemmed from the question, what if death were human? This question lead to more questions and the idea for the story was born.
Thank you for visiting me. Feel free to check out the rest of my site. You will find more short stories under the main menu tab My Story Portal. Check out my other series projects that contain vignettes about characters related to those worlds on main menu top. I hope you will join me in my venture into the world of storytelling. The home tab has a link to Are You My Reader, which outlines what I love to read about and hope to write about.
**Photo Big Stock 4 horsemen–by germanjames, Stock Photo 33529427
Very interesting back and forth. I really liked your snippet, and the question “What if death were human?” is a pretty cool idea to get a story from. That’d be a fun debate question 🙂
Keep smiling,
Debate, that is an interesting idea. I suppose what made me ask the question is because death has played a big part in my life, and I realized the only way I could relate was as a human, so I thought what if Death were human?
Oh, I love the premise of this! Can’t wait to read more!
@@ Me too, lol, j/k. Thank you. I appreciate the visit.
*blushes* at wonderful responses from everyone.
What a fantastic concept! I’m really looking forward to seeing how this develops.
I’m also wishing I’d thought of the Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse concept for my series- such a great idea.
Thank you for the praise. Death, War, Famine, Pestilence have always been in the world, so I thought they would be the right fit, character wise, for the idea–what if they were human, which plays out over the planned 5 book series.
Great snippet. Loved the voice.
Double Thanks. I appreciate the tweet.
Love it. I love the whole appear verbage vs. sneaking : )
Thank you. My muse was really happy with the way the scene played out.
Love stories that start out with ‘what if’ questions like that. Makes me wonder if Death can kill an angel.
I see this is a first draft, but you’re missing some commas here–“You court danger angel sneaking up on me” should be “You court danger, angel, sneaking up on me.” Took me a second to read that sentence correctly.
Hmm, I already made the correction. I wonder why it’s not showing up? Oh well, thank you.
That is an interesting question too. My theory is angels were created by God, same as man, so I think it might be possible. Angel of Death vs Angel. However, I figure it is not easy to destroy an angel or incapacitate one. Lucifer is angel of light and the bible indicates at some point God will destroy him.
That’s a very good question! Nicely done.
Thank you.
Nice dialogue! So short but I already feel like I have a sense of him:)
Thank you, that is good to know.
Using the four horsemen as characters is way cool! As to what brings an angel to purgatory–I’m thinking rescue mission? Or just wanting to stir something up? Bet he’s dangerous either way. Nice snippet!
LOL, thanks. Angel’s can be so ambiguous, trickster, or mentor, or messenger, or warrior, or a deliverer, or healer/miracle worker, and a subject of free will. .
Yep, lol, I echo other comments about the angel in purgatory. Interesting premise, Juneta! The comma (as Sue Ann suggested) will take away any confusion I had. Good 8!
Thanks. I have a basic philosophical theory that growth cannot come without destruction, so the idea of the four horsemmen of the Apocalypse has fascinated me, especially since it is obvious that death, war, famine and pestilence has always been in the world. You fail to learn and succeed, because it is through these things that we overcome. I love stories of good vs. evil, angels and demons intertwined with the human condition. This story has been a lot of fun to think about.
Always fascinated by angels and the idea of Death being human is cool…the snippet grabbed my attention! Great 8!
Thanks for the comment. I think I have the same fascination too, lol.
Interesting premise, though the blonde features rather puzzled me. Features imply shape (chiseled, delicate, blunt, Asian, Nordic) while blonde is color. And shouldn’t “angel” be set off by commas in the second paragrap?
Thank you. I was thinking of blonde by implication of eyebrow features, beard, implication of Caucasian Nordic look, like the Vikings, but yes specifically it would refer to features. This is an unfinished first draft, so needs lot’s of editing still. i will watch out for that, when I start the second go through. Yes angel does need emphasis there. Didn’t catch it thanks.
Love the line “I do not sneak. I merely appear.” And, yeah, I want to know what an archangel is doing in purgatory! Intriguing set-up.
Thank you. It is funny originally I planned to start the series with Death, but this character took the forefront for the first novel. All this started with a flash fiction story that morph into a vignette, and then I decided to write a novel, which morphed into a series, lol. These characters seem to have a mind of their own.
Interesting 8. The word choices packed the scene with the right level of tension.
Thank you. I am so glad you thought so.
Great snippet. I was immediately hooked. The dialogue is spot-on.
Thank you. Thanks for stopping by to visit. I have enjoyed the blog hop Weekend Writing Warriors and seeing all the blogs.
Nice exchange. I like the answer – I don’t sneak.
Thank you. My character in my head says, “Well I don’t.”
I love the very matter-of-fact way the angel responds. This is how I imagine an angel of this stature would speak. Nice 8.
Thank you. Yeah, me too. There is no pretense, nor is there any real arrogrance. He just is who he is, with a sort dry amused humor, in my vision.
I do want to know what he is doing there, too. You have me intrigued. Interesting series!
:0 Thanks! And, thanks for stopping by to visit.
A smart alec Angel who surprised both character and author? Awesome! Hope to read more of Mr. Grim.
Thanks for visiting and the encouraging words. Shooting for the first half of 2015, sooner if things go really well.
Interesting concept. There is plenty of tension in the exchange, but it’s nicely softened with the slightly smart-ass remark about not sneaking, just appearing. I like it!
Thank you. My particular vision of this Archangel is a bit smart-ass and meddlesome. He wasn’t intended for the story, so just sort of appeared when I wrote it, so you could say he did he same thing to his writer.
Good question at the end, there. I want to know what he’s doing in purgatory. I agree with EE Giorgi’s comment about the power in the dialogue.
I appreciate you taking to the time to visit. Thank you for saying that and the support.
That’s what we’re here for on W.W.W.
Good question! What does bring an angel to Purgatory?
Mischief, personal angst, or God’s purpose? That is the question. Thanks for stopping by and commenting. It is a WIP for now.
Interesting exchange, I can feel the tension and the hint of displeasure in the speakers.
Thank you for taking the time to comment. Appreciated. . I was shooting for tension, so I am glad it comes across..
Gulp! What a concept. Weave your tale. I’ll be interested to see what happens next.
Thank you. I appreciate you stopping by, lol, writing is complicated when trying to put an imagined tale down into word pictures that truly convey it. I do admire writers.
I want to know too. What brings an angel to purgatory? Concise writing. Excellent.
Thanks for commenting and the praise. Its a continual learning experience trying to capture a story, but expressing it in eight sentences can be challenging. This came from what I have slated as the first chapter, but that could change as the story progresses and in edits. Thanks for taking time to stop by.
you’ve packed a lot of power in that brief dialogue exchange, love it!
Thank you. I hope I can keep on doing that, lol.