New Fantasy Series Release Blog Tour by Vanessa Finaughty
Today we are virtually traveling to Cape Town, South Africa to visit with author Vanessa Finaughty. She is releasing her first two books in her new fantasy series Wizard of Ends Book 1 & 2, October 2014. Congratulations on the new release.
Wizard of Ends, Book 1: 9 October 2014
Wizard of Ends, Book 2: Dark Creature: 23 October 2014
**Learn about the many tour giveaways in the month of October below.
When Lashlor Leaflin offers to escort Queen Narraki Dragonsbane to the Jeltar Woods, he’s unwittingly caught up in a magical adventure of the type he would rather not have.
The sorceress Assassa believes the Land of Ends to be rightfully hers, but King Lanaran refuses to hand over his crown. In retaliation, the sorceress conjures creatures of darkness to hunt the queen and end her life. Lashlor helps where he can, but it isn’t easy when the Guards of Ends who protect the queen believe him to be false.
A confrontation with Assassa will be the death of him, Lashlor is certain. However, the king insists on his help and it soon becomes apparent that he may have no choice.
BLURB: Wizard of Ends Dark Creature: Book 2
Escorted by soldiers of Ends, Lashlor sets out to find an old flame, Rune Arcana, the only person who can help to remove the curse placed on the Queen of Ends. Lashlor believes that Rune currently resides in the Mountains of Eclador – a place from which no one has returned in all of recorded history. She could refuse his request. She could be dead. Lashlor and his companions could meet the same fate.
If they do not brave the mountains, however, Queen Narraki will remain in the form of a rabid creature of darkness… forever.
Forever is a long time, and King Lanaran fears the Wizard of Ends will not return. Ignoring Lashlor’s advice not to meddle with the curse, the king employs other magic users to attempt to undo the dark magic.
Book 1:
Book 2:
Welcome Vanessa. I have to tell you one of my favorite accents is South African. I had a friend from there a long time ago. It is so different from other English accents. I just love listening to it. Now that I have pointed that cool fact out, I will get on to the interview.
Thanks Juneta!
- What type of wizard is your character? A Merlin or maybe a Harry Dresden type, wizard PI, or something else?
If I had to compare Lashlor to another fictional wizard, I’d have to say he’s more like Catherine Webb’s Laenan Kite – he doesn’t want to be pushed into using magic or being a hero; he just wants to left in peace.
- Tell us something we have not learned yet, or will not learn on your blog tour except here, about one of your characters of Wizard of Ends.
Let’s see… Lashlor is exceptionally devout in his religious beliefs. I don’t focus on that in the story, though very astute readers might pick up on it. That’s why he’s so adamant about not using magic in case it angers the goddess. He won’t do anything to risk earning her ire.
- What inspired this series?
My baby daughter. I hadn’t written anything in almost two years, but, after she was born, it hit me that it’s my responsibility to teach her there’s nothing she can’t do if she puts her mind to it and works hard enough for it. The best way to teach her that is to do it and lead by example… thus, I started writing again (following my passion), and Wizard of Ends came into existence. The series wouldn’t have been written if she hadn’t been born.
- How does your character feel about magic? Why?
He feels it should only be used when there’s no other way to achieve your goal. He believes the goddess will punish anyone who uses it too much. Since he isn’t sure how much is ‘too much’ in her eyes, he errs on the side of caution.
- Does your wizard have a sidekick? If so, tell us a little bit about that character.
I suppose you could call Rune Arcana a sidekick, but I think she’d do the kicking if anyone ever called her that :p Rune is Lashlor’s ex-betrothed and a powerful sorceress, and, while the two still get along, she tends to annoy Lashlor.
- How many books have you written? How many were series?
I’ve written 17 books, of which five are part of a series – three Legends of Origin books and two Wizard of Ends book. However, from now on, I’ll be focussing mostly on series, so readers can expect that total to continuously go up.
- What is the one thing you want your reader to take away from your series Wizard of Ends?
The feeling that he or she has had a refreshing and entertaining read.
- What was your favorite book to write? Why?
My favourite book to write is usually whatever book I wrote last. I think it’s because I try to improve my skills with each new book, so each book is better than the previous in some way. It’s the same in this case – Wizard of Ends (both books) was the most fun to write so far.
- Any advice to offer other authors out there that might be reading this?
You need to market your books regularly and do things that draw random people to your website and blog, and not just spamming social media either – guest post on others’ blogs, hold and participate in blog tours or book blasts, list your books on free book sites, create a book trailer, hold a giveaway, send review copies out every week, and so on.
10. What is the one most important thing you have learned in your writing career?
It’s not enough to have a polished product worth selling – you need to let people know it exists.
11. What is your favorite author/book?
It’s hard to choose just one. My favourite authors are Dean Koontz, John Connolly and Terry Brookes. I love their books equally.
12. Do you have a ritual or routine when you sit down to write? What starts your day of writing?
I suppose you could call ensuring I have a full mug of coffee and a smoke a ritual. I usually spend my mornings and some afternoons working, and set aside some time in the afternoon to either write or market my books.
13. Do you write every day? What is a day like in your life?
Unfortunately not. It depends how much work I have and how many other things need doing (like shopping and renewing driver’s licences and so on). A day in my life can be pretty stressful nowadays! With the tour and everything else going on right now, and baby waking me anywhere between 4 and 6am, I don’t stop from the moment my eyes open to the moment I fall asleep each night – Energizer Bunny style!
14. How often do you release a book each year, or something new to your reader?
Previously, my publishing was erratic. In the last year and a half, I’ve written three books, which include the two Wizard of Ends books. I intend to publish three books a year from now on – at least, until Wizard of Ends is complete. One Legends of Origin book and two Wizard of Ends books. This may change, however, because I generally try to write the book that wants to get out of my head the most.
15. Before we go, is there anything you would like to say to those reading?
Thank you for reading this interview, and I hope you enjoy reading the Wizard of Ends books as much as I enjoyed writing them.
16. One last question, three parts really, what is your greatest interest, joy, and goal?
This would be an easy question if I didn’t have a child! On a personal level, my greatest joy and interest is our (almost one-year old) baby daughter, and my greatest goal is to teach her how to get by in this world without letting it change her in a negative way. With regards to my books, my greatest interest is to build up a nice big collection of fantasy and science fiction series for readers to choose from and enjoy. My greatest writing-related joy is quite recent – when Doorway to Destiny, the 13-book sci-fi fantasy box set I published with TC Southwell (for only 99c) hit the iBooks Top 50 Fantasy and Science Fiction Books list on 23 September this year. Now there’s a dream come true! My greatest writing-related goal is to have another, and another, and another book hit best-seller lists – in other words, the goal is to spend much more time marketing my books!
Vanessa Finaughty is an author of many genres who now focuses on fantasy and science fiction. She’s published 15 books, of which 6 are fantasy. Vanessa grew up in Cape Town, South Africa, and still lives there with her husband of fifteen years, her baby daughter and plenty of furry, four-legged ‘children’.
Vanessa has always been passionate about books, and knew from a young age that she wanted to write them one day. She loves animals, coffee and the smell of wet grass, and hates liars, sweltering weather and long queues. Her interests include reading, photography, the supernatural, mythology, aliens and outer space, ancient history, life’s mysteries and martial arts, of which she has five years’ experience.
Publication dates
Wizard of Ends, Book 1: 9 October 2014
Wizard of Ends, Book 2: Dark Creature: 23 October 2014
All coupons below offer a 100% discount.
11 – 13 October
Dragon Kin & other fantasy stories by Vanessa Finaughty
Smashwords coupon code: ZU52B
Valid: 11 – 13 October
16 October
Sorcery & Subterfuge by Vanessa Finaughty
Smashwords coupon code: HA38K
Valid: 16 October
18 – 20 October
The Angel’s Voice, Books 1 & 2 by Michelle Louring
Smashwords coupon code for Book 1: FH27E
Smashwords coupon code for Book 2: EN84L
Valid: 18 – 20 October
21 October
Royal Wizard by Alianne Donnelly
Smashwords coupon code: XV26R
Valid: 21 October
24 October
Legends of Origin, Books 1 – 3 by Vanessa Finaughty
Book 1 is permanently free.
Smashwords coupon code for Book 2: BP37Q
Smashwords coupon code for Book 3: YC54A
Valid: 24 October
27 October
The Accidental Wizard by Simon Ludgate
Smashwords coupon code: FM47Z
Valid: 27 October
Wizard of Ends Virtual Book Tour Itinerary
1 – 31 October 2014
Please note: if the links below are on the host’s name, it means the post has not gone live yet or I haven’t had a chance to update the links. If the link appears on the post title, the post is live.
Wednesday, 1 October – tour kick-off
What Inspired Wizard of Ends, hosted by Richard Foland
Author blog: Tour introduction
Thursday, 2 October
Guest post by MC Lashlor Leaflin: Abusing Magic, hosted by Lauren Scharhag
Author blog: Wizard of Ends, Book 1 – COVER REVEAL!
Friday, 3 October
Wizard of Ends showcase, hosted by Alex James
Author blog: An Official Introduction to the Wizard of Ends Fantasy Adventure Series
Saturday, 4 October
The Real World’s First School of Wizardry, hosted by Mathew Reuther
Author blog: Wizard of Ends, Book 2 – COVER REVEAL!
Sunday, 5 October
10 Cool Bookish Gifts, hosted by DJ’s Book Corner
Author blog: Wizard of Ends Book Trailer
Monday, 6 October
Interview with Vanessa Finaughty, hosted by TC Southwell
Author blog: Magic – Fantasy or Reality?
Tuesday, 7 October
5 Reasons I Prefer Self-Publishing, hosted by Michelle Louring
Author blog: 5 Things I Love About Wizard of Ends
Wednesday, 8 October
Wizard of Ends showcase, hosted by Tracy Falbe
5 Reasons to Love Lashlor Leaflin, hosted by Bookin’ It
Author blog: Wizard of Ends, Book 1, Chapter 1 – read the full first chapter!
Thursday, 9 October
Ancient Magic Books, hosted by Juli D. Revezzo
Author blog: Publication of Wizard of Ends, Book 1
Friday, 10 October
How to Create Believable Systems of Magic for Fiction, hosted by Pippa Jay
Author blog: Character Interview with Wizard of Ends MC, Lashlor Leaflin
Saturday, 11 October
How Long Should a Fiction Book Chapter Be? hosted by Potpourri Parlor
Author blog: Get Dragon Kin & other fantasy stories for FREE for the next 3 days only!
Sunday, 12 October
Wizard of Ends book trailer, hosted by Lauren Scharhag
Author blog: Wizard of Ends MC Lashlor Leaflin’s Biography
Monday, 13 October
Extract from Wizard of Ends, Book 1, hosted by Fireblade Publishers
Author blog: Last day to get Dragon Kin for free
Tuesday, 14 October
Interview with Vanessa Finaughty, hosted by Glynis Smy
Author blog: How to Make a Fantasy Castle Cake
Wednesday, 15 October
3 Ancient Irish Spells & Charms, hosted by Tracy Falbe
Author blog: Wizard of Ends, Book 2: Dark Creature, Chapter 1 – read the full first chapter!
Thursday, 16 October
Interview with Vanessa Finaughty, hosted by Louise Blankenship
Author blog: Get Sorcery & Subterfuge for FREE for TODAY ONLY
Friday, 17 October
Magic Systems in Wizard of Ends, hosted by Daniel Marvello
Author blog: 6 Magical Ebook Covers
Saturday, 18 October
Interview with Vanessa Finaughty, hosted by DJ’s Book Corner
Author blog: Get Michelle Louring’s The Angel’s Voice, Books 1 & 2 for FREE for the next 3 days only!
Sunday, 19 October
Magic of the Ancient Egyptians, hosted by Alex James
Author blog: King Lanaran’s Biography
Monday, 20 October
Healing Magic in Today’s World – hosted by TC Southwell
Author blog: Should Children Be Exposed to Fantasy?
Tuesday, 21 October
Interview with Vanessa Finaughty, hosted by Writer’s Gambit
Author blog: Get Alianne Donnelly’s The Royal Wizard for FREE for today only!
Wednesday, 22 October
5 Tips for New Writers, hosted by Nicholas C. Rossis
Author blog: Extract from Wizard of Ends, Book 1
Thursday, 23 October
Modern Science & Ancient Magic, hosted by Katharina Gerlach
Reviews of Wizard of Ends, Books 1 & 2, extract and Wizard of Ends: Full Disclosure, hosted by Kelly Smith Reviews
Review of Wizard of Ends, Book 1, by Carlyle Labuschagne
Author blog: Publication of Wizard of Ends, Book 2: Dark Creature – 99c for TODAY ONLY!
Friday, 24 October
Wizard of Ends feature & extract, hosted by To Read, or Not to Read
Author blog: Legends of Origin, Books 2 & 3 – FREE for today only!
Saturday, 25 October
Character interview with Queen Narraki Dragonsbane, hosted by Louise Blankenship
Author blog: The Ancient Book of Thoth
Sunday, 26 October
Review of Wizard of Ends, Book 2, hosted by Alex James
Author blog: Extract from Wizard of Ends, Book 2
Monday, 27 October
5 Modern Real-World Attempts to Use Magic, hosted by Richard Foland
Author blog: Get Simon Ludgate’s The Accidental Wizard for FREE for today only!
Tuesday, 28 October
How to Create Original Fantasy Creatures, hosted by Independent Bookworm
Author blog: Lashlor Leaflin’s Bucket List
Wednesday, 29 October
Character interview with Lashlor Leaflin, hosted by Sandra Ulbrich Almazan
Author blog: Extract from Wizard of Ends, Book 2
Thursday, 30 October
How to Introduce and Write About Nameless Characters, hosted by Michelle Louring
Author blog: Ancient Magical Plants
Friday, 31 October
10 Facts About Vanessa Finaughty, hosted by Writer’s Gambit
Author blog: An End to the Tour, but not the Books
congratulations Vanessa and how sweet that the birth of your daughter got you back into writing. I do believe that all those pregnancy/motherly hormones spice up the creativity juices. 🙂
I think you must be right, because Wizard of Ends wrote itself for the most part 🙂 Now, if only she would start sleeping more… lol.
Good luck. I hope you find much success. The covers are very nice. 🙂
Anna from Shout with Emaginette
Thank you 🙂 I’m glad you like the covers – I was a bit worried they were too ‘bold’.
Thanks for hosting me today, Juneta, and for a super interesting interview!
You are very welcome. Thanks for being my guest. I have been very impressed with your month long blog tour, the quality posts about magic and Egypt, plus all the great giveaways you managed to put together too. I have already read your first book, getting ready to read the 2nd one soon.
I saw your review of Book 1 on Smashwords – thanks so much for that! I’m glad you enjoyed the book and hope you like the next one even better!