Timeless Maiden of Time 3 Cover Reveal (YA) Paranormal Historical



Timeless Maiden of Time #3


TIMELESS Maiden of Time #3

by Crystal Collier

(YA) Paranormal Historical Fantasy 

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Time is the enemy.

In 1771, Alexia had everything: the man of her dreams, reconciliation with her father, even a child on the way. But she was never meant to stay. It broke her heart, but Alexia heeded destiny and traveled five hundred years back to stop the Soulless from becoming.


In the thirteenth century, the Holy Roman Church has ordered the Knights Templar to exterminate the Passionate, her bloodline. As Alexia fights this new threat—along with an unfathomable evil, and her own heart—the Soulless genesis nears. But none of her hard-won battles may matter if she dies in childbirth before completing her mission.


Can Alexia escape her own clock?



Timeless Maiden of Time #3 Print


TIMELESS Maiden of Time #3

 Author: Crystal Collier

Genre:  (YA) Paranormal Historical Fantasy 

Publication Release Date: November 1, 2016

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Photo2Crystal Collier is an eclectic author who pens clean fantasy/sci-fi, historical, and romance stories with the occasional touch of humor, horror, or inspiration. She practices her brother-induced ninja skills while teaching children or madly typing about fantastic and impossible creatures. She has lived from coast to coast and now calls Florida home with her creative husband, four littles, and “friend” (a.k.a. the zombie locked in her closet). Secretly, she dreams of world domination and a bottomless supply of cheese. You can find her on her blogFacebook, Goodreads, or follow her on Twitter.

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Timeless Maiden of Time 3


You can find the first two books in the series, Moonless Book #1, Soulless Book #2 , here.




#YA #timetravel #fantasy

#timetravel #romance #cleanreads

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