Tsunami Crimes Chrys Fey Disaster Crime Series Book 3

Tsunami Crimes Interview Chrys Fey Author of the Disaster Crimes Series   Welcome Chrys, Tell me about the journey from writing for yourself to being a published author and making it a career. What was the journey like and what did it entail?   I started writing when I was twelve. At seventeen, my dream of published my work became

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Mobster Blogfest Celebrating Prequel Release by Chrys Fey

MOBSTER BLOGFEST If I Were A Mobster… My Mobster Name: The Medusa My real name is Olivia Frost. Those who actually know me call me Liv for short but none know I’m the illegitimate daughter of Frank Regent who is rumored to run the State of Florida, millionaire, and political strategist. My Rank: Hidden Asset Journalist/Writer/News Anchor/Actress/Hidden Mad Skills-I kill their

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