#IWSG April NaNo or A to Z or Both?

I won’t be doing A-Z Blogging Challenge, but I am doing Camp NaNoWriMo April again.   NANO NANO, NANO NANO, NANO NANO   Can you guess what my title is imitating?  I’ll give ya a hint at the bottom of this post.  Guess before you scroll down and look and tell me if you got it right in the comments.   Do you

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The Writer’s Challenge in April

Subscribe to my Newsletter Writer’s Gambit @ HERE The month of April is full of writing challenges for the industrious writer.  April 1st was the first day of  NaNoWriMo Camp.  Set your own word challenge limit for April’s novel.   Then there is the Blogging from A-Z  Challenge in April.  The challenge is to a blog  the entire month  using a

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