Maski Broken But Not Dead Mystery Thriller Joylene Nowell Butler

BLURB To the Breaking Point… When Brendell Meshango resigns from her university professor position and retreats to her isolated cabin to repair her psyche, she is confronted by a masked intruder. His racial comments lead her to believe she is the solitary victim of a hate crime. However, is all as it appears? After two bizarre days, the intruder mysteriously

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Maski: Broken But Not Dead-Suspense Thriller Joylene Nowell Butler (Author Journey)

PREQUEL to Mâtowak Woman Who Cries COMING APRIL 18TH, 2017   A WRITER’S JOURNEY: JOYLENE NOWELL BUTLER Today I welcome Joylene Nowell Butler to my Author Spotlight.  I’ve known Joylene for a while now.  She is part of the admin of our IWSG-Insecure Writer’s Support Group.        She appeared in my Spotlight the first time August 2, 2014, and again last

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Matowak Woman Who Cries by Joylene Nowell Butler I’d like to welcome Joylene Nowell Butler to Writer’s Gambit.  I’m part of her book tour and as such I get to interview her about her new book,  Matowak Woman Who Cries releasing November 1st. INTERVIEW WITH JOYLENE NOWELL BUTLER 1) If you were pitching this book idea to a publisher what would that pitch be? Include your logline.

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