Shadowstalker Part 3 Renee Scattergood New Release

  Book Description:   Things go from bad to worse when the Galvadi Empire develops a new technology to use against the shadow stalkers. Now Kado and Makari are more determined than ever to keep Auren away from their enemies, but Auren decides enough is enough and takes matters into her own hands. She turns herself over to the Galvadi

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A Startling and Unexpected Visit By Renee Scattergood (Shadow Stalker Series)

                    A Startling and Unexpected Visit  By Renee Scattergood   Have you ever gotten the feeling you were being watched or followed? I was out with my daughter, playing Pokemon Go, when I felt it. I glanced around, but no one was there. Still, when I went back to the game,

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Fantasy Adventure Author Gigi Sedlmayer Talon Series

   BOOK BLURB: Nine-year-old Matica lives in a remote village on a dry plateau in the Andes of Peru. She moved to Peru when she was five with Australian missionary and schoolteacher parents. Because Matica is trapped in the body of a two-year-old, her growth handicap has caused her to be rejected by the local people and they would not

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