Immortality Storytime Blog Hop January 27, 2016 (10 Stories)#Storytimebloghop
Storytime Blog Hop founded 2015 by students of the Holly Lisle’s writing course: How To Think Sideways: Career Survival School for Writer’s.
Story Time Blog Hop January 27th, 2016
Welcome to January 2016 Story Time Blog Hop. Here are 10 speculative fiction short tales from authors around the world. Here is my contribution. Read more stories at the links below. I hope you enjoy reading.
(Note Name Change of Story 2016. The title Consequence is more about the theme, so I changed the name because Immortality reflects what it is about more.)
The cloudless dark sky was indicative of the day. In a time of change and rebirth of magic, I felt no joy for my kind. I had no faith in the future. Magic, alchemy, science nor faith had changed the events that had occurred.
“Darius, how do we bear this?” Mira asked.
The hoarseness of her voice made the ache inside rawer. “I don’t know.” I knew my tone was cold, as I stood over our three-year-old daughter’s grave. I did not want forgiveness or comfort, nor could I give it. I wanted retribution.
I pushed at Mira. We fought. I kept pushing, even though something inside of me raged at what I was doing to her. I needed her anger, her pain. I could not allow her to change my mind. She needed to leave. Nine hours later she did. It was for the best. It was better this way.
I stood on the bank of Mermaid Cove where the river met the sea gazing into the churning waters knowing there was no going back. I was magic-born. There was power in my blood, especially now that the lie lines had opened up. I cut my palm and allowed the blood to drip into the water.
Faces swirled in the churning depths just as the water lasso me. I fell into a bottomless watery canyon. Darkness swamped me. My oblivion was short-lived. Conscious awareness returned. The soothing lullaby of the siren song did nothing to ease the cold that gripped me, nor relieve the paralysis that owned me in the stasis bubble. Mer-folk surrounded me. One blue hair nymph swam forward and spoke.
“Why do you invade the sanctuary of the Daughters of Neptune?”
“I seek the portal to the underworld. I wish to bargain with Hades.”
“He is not your patron. No one enters there, but the dead.”
“Kill me so I might enter.”
Seaweed slithered up my body and circle my throat. “If you return, a debt is owed?”
The water boiled. A burst of intense light illuminated the stunning beauty of the mermaid. She cried out, her shrill sharp. Jagged pain lanced my eyes.
“Open your eyes mortal.”
I was no longer in a sea of water, but a sea of light. A dangerous looking male with enormous black wings stood before me, his beauty harsh, yet enthralling as the mermaids.
“These Greek deities cannot help you. Your daughter is not among them. Why do you seek death, when you have so much life before you?”
“The fault is mine. My life for hers, Angel.”
“Choices cannot be unmade, nor consequence reversed. Life is always in motion. The outcome has already been decreed.”
I wanted to lash out. My body did not react to my anger. I suppressed the urge to yell. “Who are you to make such decrees?”
“I am servant and messenger of the one God. My name is Gideon.”
“I will not serve a God that doesn’t hear me.”
“The one God has heard you. Some things cannot be changed. In time you may understand. You are given immortality to serve the world, until you can see the value in your own life. This is your journey.”
531 Words
All rights reserved Juneta Key @
Find More Stories in the Blog Hop below:
Mel Corbett If It’s Not Yours
Elizabeth McCleary Essence
Katharina Gerlach Scars
Karen Lynn My Story
Angela Wooldridge Uninvited Guests
Barbara LundNew Space
Kris Bowser Smithereens
Justine OhlrichTwo Deaths on My Birthday
Rabia Gale House Bound
What a great flash! Easily could make a much larger short story. Loved the storytelling and the atmosphere.
Denise 🙂
Thank you so much. That put a smile on my face.
So, yes. I’d say you have the seed planted for a longer exploration of this story line. I really liked this line: “I was no longer in a sea of water, but a sea of light.”
Thank you so much. Glad you like it.
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Very nice. I agree, this could become the seed of a larger story 😀
Thank you. It was taken from a character intended for a larger story, but has not been written yet, so I may still develop it.
I loved the bit with the mermaids. Creepy and well-described.
Thank you.
Seconding Cat that this does sound like we can expect more at some point. I’d really love to see what debt is owed to the nymph once he does return
Interesting question. I had not thought about the fact he may still owe debt, since he was made immortal by the Angel–however that could pose interesting story problems and conflict for the character in the future. Appreciate the input. Thank you
Pingback: Storytime Blog Hop: If It's Not Yours - Mel Corbett Fiction
Ouch. Immortality? That guy has some issues to work out, eh?
LOL, yeah he does have issues and some major problems and angsts. Thanks for reading,
Second that! This does sound like the beginning of a long journey.
Thank you. I need to get back to this world again.
Ooh well done! Powerful stuff!
Thank you. Glad it grabbed ya.
I can relate to the narrators pain very well. BTW, it reads like the beginning of a longer story. 😀
Me too. It was that feeling of pain that was the spark for the story. Thank you. It probably is a longer story. It is set in my series world Moon Hollow. It is the ,story I created when I first bought How To Think Sideways, which I have decided to turn into a series, because I came up with so many characters in that world. I have some bumps to work out in how the world works though still.