Stars Wars Rocks


Whatcha Gonna Do When They Come For You?

23 years in law enforcement 911 Communications and Dispatch… I so get this.



Writing is a tough job.  It’s complicated.  It’s inspiring.  It’s demanding, when you work for quality and professionalism.   It is a forever education in learning and adapting.   One of the most often offered pieces of advice is to write what you are passionate about.   I misplaced mine somewhere lately.  I was a bit lost, because I forgot what it felt  like,  but fortunately for me, I got a reminder. I forgot “the feeling” of one of my passions.  I love Star Wars.  I cannot get enough of it.  I have lots of the collectables.  I own all the movies, and some of the animated ones too.  I write Star Wars fan fiction just because.  I enjoy the video games e.g. PS3, XBox, or for PC.   I have read almost every Star War book, graphic novel, and Audiobooks ever released–almost, plus technical manuals, books about the universe, the ships, weapons, and Peoples.  Yup, I am crazy about Star Wars.  I think it would be a blast to dress up one day, and go to a Star Wars convention. Star Wars is one of my inspirations for writing.  It  made me want to write my own stories.   Looking at all the stuff coming out about the new movie in 2015 made me feel the joy of it again, and remember.  I remember the joy of imagination and possibility I felt, because that is what Star Wars gave me–JOY.  It gave it to  the world really for those who get it.  It is a cultural icon, and it change the movie industry.   The above video is my all time favorite fan made video.  I so get it.  In my non-writing life I spent 23 years in law enforcement 911 Communications and Dispatch.  I love the approach they used in the video.  It is so real life in attitude. My point is the passion and joy make life worth living, it makes it a wondrous adventure.   It is the joy that creates the passion.  Joy is fleeting, yet it is what we all strive for in life.  The joy from pleasure, laughter, others, and spiritual pursuits.  This list can be anything.  It is all about the joy.   I had misplaced my joy in life, while getting tangled in the mechanics of the daily living.  It is this type of passion I want to bring to my writing.  Everyone has trials, hard knocks, and devastating loss, but those who can retain the joy never lose passion for life.  It is a constant quest for me in everything.  My worst enemy is myself.  I want to find this joy I feel in Star Wars, and infuse it into my own stories.  I tend to think in a philosophical manner, and in metaphor, so this joy I find in Star Wars affects all of my life, not because I think it is like real life, but because I can relate,  see the reasons and solutions in epic proportions on the big screen.  I dream of a better world, yet, the world we live in is phenomenal.     

Star Wars VII is slated for release around December 2015


Bounces in my seat excited, I can’t wait.


My favorite Star War characters.

1. R2D2 (Episode 1,2,3, 4,5,6) 2. Chewbacca (Episode 4,5,6) 3. Han Solo (Episode 4,5,6) 4. C3PO (Episode 1,2,3,4,5,6) 5. Tycho Celchu & Wedge Antilles (the X=Wings series) 6. Luke Skywalker (Episode 4,5,6) 7.  Boba Fett (Episode 1,2,3, 5,6) 8.  Thrawn (Expanded Universe) 9. Talon Karrde (From The Thrawn series) 10. Mara Jade (Expanded Universe) 11.  Kyle Katarn (Dark Forces I & II  from expanded universe) 12.  Darth Vader & Storm Troopers (Episode 1,2,3, 4,5,6) 13. Leia (Episode 4,5,6) 14. Battle Droids (“Roger, Roger”, “Roger, Roger”, Roger, Roger”) (Episodes I,II,III) PS  I like Ewoks and Jar Jar Binks too. I still want a 3 foot Ewok.  They sold out in 1980, before my Daddy could snag me one.  I cried, so sad.

Favorite Star Wars Book(s) Currently

Hard Contact: A Republic Commando Novel Book I by Karen Tarviss in a series of five,  Also, the whole X-Wing Series.

I read everything Star Wars, when I can keep up.  Star War books populate like Star Treks Tribbles, lol. ;d




And Its Out Of The Universe…



To A Galaxy Far Far Away







Who is your favorite Star Wars characters?


My Star Wars YouTube Playlist starts with Star War Rules The World-parts 1-5.   25 videos so far listed.   You can  pick and choose which video, if you click on the YouTube icon in the right bottom corner, or watch them all right on this page.

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  • I’m not a fan of Star Wars or Star Trek, but it was very popular.

    • admin

      Star Wars tapped my imagination in a way nothing else had to that point.. It blew me away. None of my friends were really into it, or got my enthusiasm. It was not really a girl thing back then, which made me the odd ball. My male cousins are the only ones that shared my interest, and they preferred Star Trek. I did not meet any girls who cared for it much, until I was an adult, and role playing in Star War games online. I still write fanfiction, lol, when the mood or idea hits.

  • Omigosh, I love Star Wars! More than Star Trek, Battlestar Galactica, and Stargate combined!
    Have you heard that Harrison Ford broke his foot during filming the other day? Apparently the door of the Millenium Falcon closed prematurely, or something like that. I know that won’t slow our hero down though.
    I can’t wait for the new movies. If you don’t put a Star Wars VII countdown widget on your blog, I will! 😉

    • I should add that I meant I will put the countdown widget on my blog, not yours. 😉 Although, maybe we could both put countdown widgets on our blogs …

      • admin

        Yes I did hear that. I am totally psyched about the new movie, especially the return of a lot of the original crew of 4,5,& 6. Too funny, I watched all those you named, and Star Wars is and always will be number one for me. I also loved Stargate Atlantis. Enjoyed Farscape too.

        A countdown widget sounds like a great idea. Yes lets do it. Now I just need to find one, lol.

        • That widget is exactly what I had in mind! I’m going to add mine this weekend. 🙂
          Thanks, and it’s always great to meet a fellow Star Wars fan!

          • admin

            Your Welcome. I sent the link to you in email. I am assuming you found it, if not, check your email.

            Yes it is, especially another girl–they are few and far between in my circles, lol. May Force Be With You.

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