Sell More Books: Kick Your Publishing Business Into High Gear



“Read Iterate and Optimize — the sequel to Write. Publish. Repeat.” Available NOW.





Grab a copy of this book at the low launch price of $2.99, before it doubles to $6.




I learned so much from reading Write. Publish. Repeat.  I had to grab my copy of the sequel.  I decided to do a post about the launch, so any others interested in owning it would have the chance to grab it at this low price.  (I am not an affiliate.  I am just a huge FAN and believe their books worth the investment to strengthen my knowledge and skills in my writing craft. They are also usually good for a fun read and a laugh.)



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In the author’s own words:   If you read Write. Publish. Repeat, you’ll absolutely want to read Iterate and Optimize. Period. It’s the next steps. It’s what you do to truly kick your publishing business into high gear. Sell more books. Make advertising work for you. Expand your readership and your reach. Make more money.  Stuff like that. 

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