The Listing Bloghop Oct 26th–Open Invitation Join Us

From Bish Denham celebrating 8 years of blogging!


Listing BlogHop

The rules are simple.

Go here to Signup

Grab the banner

Make a list 5-25 items

Visit each other on October 26th.

You can list whatever you feel like (except for adult type content).

Yup, its that simple.  That is all you have to do to join us.  Be part of the celebration.

Read more at above signup link.  You will even find some suggestion for list there.  Simple, fun and a way to join in with other authors and have a great time to support and celebrate 8 years of blogging with writer Bish Denham.  That is is dedication and something worth celebrating.

See you there, I signed up!

Making a few lists and shaking them twice

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