IWSG What happens when your worst fears come true?
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Showing up is half the battle. Hold your head up and keep moving forward. Where there is life there is opportunity.
Version from the TV series Glee, which I love. It is a place I find myself too often, but showing up is half the battle.
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Insecure Writer’s Support Group, founded by Ninja Captain Alex J. Cavanaugh. His awesome co-hosts for the April 1 posting of the IWSG will be Suzanne Furness,Tonja Drecker, Toi Thomas, Rachna Chhabria, Fundy Blue, and Donna Hole!
IWSG is a place where writer’s talk about their doubts and their fears. They discuss their struggles and triumphs. Its a place where everyone offers a word of encouragement for others who are struggling in their writing endeavors beginners and veterans. You can visit others in the group and connect with your fellow writers offering support, trading tips and advice. It is an amazing group and online community. Want To JOIN, go here.
One day at a time is all we can really do… and exercise helps our bodies to feel closer to the same age as our minds feel.
One day at time, yes. Thanks for taking time to stop and comment.
We can only take one day at a time, in good times and bad. I’m sorry you’re having a rough go of things. I’ll be praying for you.
Just keep breathing, living, and stepping one step at a time.
Thank you. Just keep breathing… I like that. Hugs
Sorry that you’ve been going through such a rough time, Juneta. I also like your “one day at a time” mantra, and hope that you start feeling better soon. It’s nice that you have good friends in your neighborhood, and of course all of us here are rooting for you.
Thank you for those encouraging words. It does much to boost the spirit knowing others are rooting for you. Thank you.
So sorry things aren’t looking up yet. I know what you mean about aging and health issues. I’m the same age, and lately it seems like I have one health issue after another, though I think they’re mostly stress related. You just have to keep going. One day at a time, like you said. I’ve always believed that when one door closes, somewhere a window opens. I hope you find your window of opportunity very soon. Sending positive thoughts and prayers your way. Hang in there!
I am 51 years young. I had a dream and its still alive. I’ve worked hard in my life to be kind, understanding, accepting and forgiving of others, so I am praying Karma smiles on me during the storms. My heart is true and always has been. Not everyone can see your truth, or get it. The theme of my life has been friendship from almost the beginning. I believe in friendship, loyalty, hope, faith, perseverance in the hard times and that life is good, you just have hang on, keep on, and stay focused on the positive to find those moments of joy. I have a lot more moments of joy, before its over. Its all good. I am often under estimated and maybe naive about others intentions. Its people I care about in this life and sometimes I allow that to blind me and define me at moments, but I am more than just appearances and I know what joy feels like. No one can take that from me, and God willing, I can share that and life to come out to a new dawn.
Thank you for your prayers. I believe in prayer and I need them. God Bless you Lori for your sweet thoughts and words. Right back at ya girl. You have been an inspiration to me with your own dreams and the way you have manifested them.
Sorry to hear about your difficulties. I like your mantra of one day at a time at your pace. This is the perfect way to avoid stress and worries.
Rachna Chhabria
Co-host IWSG
Rachna’s Scriptorium
Thanks for that. I’m good. Stress comes and goes, but my attitude in some ways is better than it was before it happened. Lots of emotional ups and downs at first, but I am leveling out. Its not my first time to face the hard parts of life, but I am in a different place. I expected to be down, but oddly enough I am not. I’m good. I am a realist in the daily living and life in general. I also belief life is what you make of it. You ride the waves of what you can’t control and hang on for dear life to the things that you can. My ship is weathering the storm so far. She is sturdy and sound as well as water tight. I will get through this to the rainbow, as the sun breaks through the dark clouds. I had a dream of what life could be and I still do. I will find the way and stay on course through the turbulence. I’ve done it before and I will do it again.
So sorry to read about your difficulties. Moving is an especially tiring and stressful time in many ways. I hope that you are soon able to move onto the next phase of your life adventure with renewed heart and strength. Best wishes.
Its all good. I’ll figure out. I will find a way. I always have. Life goes on and so do I. I hang in there. I am hopeful and I did not expect to be, but I am.
I’ve never mentioned this before, but I’m disabled too. Maybe not in the same way as you, but I also experience pain daily. Moving this weekend was difficult. I was grateful to have a lot of help. During this time, and all the time before it when I was stressed and looking for a new house, I didn’t do any writing. I hope things work out well for you.
I do dread the move, but the packing too. I am the only one packing it up, which is why I am taking two months to do it. I hope I can get it done. The moving part has not been worked out yet. I know only one person here in Florida that is close enough to me to pitch in, so stress and dread a bit. Have to figure out how to get it done. So far I have been getting some writing in, so far so good with that. I am feeling fairly positive considering, which is a huge step to just to maintain attitude and focus. Thank you for commenting back. Hope things are better for you now.
I am so sorry that you are struggling, especially with your health. The best part about writing is that one doesn’t need to know the answers to life. When writing, you can do what you want, how you want. So don’t listen to your critics. I am sending you plenty of hugs. Take good care of yourself.
Thank you. Truthfully it is not the first time in my life I have faced struggles,but I feel the difference in the timing as in agewise. My inner critic is a drama queen, I know, tending to exaggerate everything viewing all through a distorted spyglass. Thank you for the hugs and well wishes. The Best To You Too!
Juneta, on the one hand, this post makes my heart ache for you, but on the other, I see that you are on the edge of a new adventure, and therefore, the sky really is the limit. Things sometimes happen to kick us out of our comfort zone and I think that may be the case for you. Know that the love you spread will be coming back to you tenfold during these tough times, and when you get to the other side, you will find the amazing person you truly are underneath all of the self-doubt and the struggles you face today. Hang in there. The wheel will turn and things will change for the better!
LOL, definitely adventure already and more to come. Yup, kick out of my comfort zone, but I’m still hanging. Thanks for taking time to say HEY and the sweet words. Wishing you the best too.
I’m sorry that you are experiencing such a difficult time right now, Juneta! I agree with the first comment: You are a survivor, and you’ll get through this too. I’ve had some devastating knocks in my life, and I’ve gotten through sometimes by focusing on my very next step ~ with my foot ~ just to keep walking. I learned that you have two choices, lay down and die or get up and keep walking. And, damn, that can be so hard! But I’ve also learned that you don’t know what wonderful thing might be right around the next corner. So hang in there! I’m sending you a big hug of encouragement!
Thank you. Hugs back. I am sure I am on the road to my next great adventure. When I retired in 2011 and moved from Texas to Florida that was what I was seeking, and guess what? That is what I have gotten with all its ups and downs, if not as planned, I cannot deny its been an adventure and still ongoing. HUGS.
Hugs to you. That’s been my mantra since mid Feburay. One day at a time, one thing at a time. We do what we can do and that’s good enough. I’m taking those steps beside you. Wishing you better days and sending you positive energy. Hey, we’re the same age.
Sending that positive energy right back at you. We will survive and be stronger and better for it. That is cool, birds of a feather or is that age of a feather, LOL. Thanks for the encouragement. Its nice knowing the journey is not limited to me, but I wish you did not have to do it too.
One day, one step, one task at a time. I hear you on that; I’m there myself. It is hard, but you have a good mantra to rely on for encouragement. And friends online. Hopefully you have some day-life friends as well to cheer you on when life is the pits. I will keep you in my thoughts and hope things look up for you soon.
I do have everyday friends too, and thank God for them. My BF 35 years strong lives next door with her daughter and 2 grandbabies. She has been really good to stop by and cheer me up. We have an outing planned for Sat, so something to look forward to. Thanks for taking time to comment and sympathizing. You hang in there too. Best to You.
It’s a good plan, and one a lot of us should adopt.
Life finds a way for you, even when you think it won’t. Thank so much for stopping by to comment. 🙂
You know what I get reading this whole post? That you’re a survivor. And this last bit:
“One day a time. One thing at a time at my pace. Just keep doing something, writing and coping with whatever life throws at me. Options quit, give up or persevere through the hard parts, because life goes on with or without you. I may not be doing what others can do, but I am doing. I am the turtle, even if I dream of being the hare, persistence pays off. I just have to learn to believe it. I am the only one who has the power to put it into action. This is my dream and only I can make it happen, no matter the obstacles.” is proof of that. I would have chosen just a small piece but the whole thing rings so TRUE. I couldn’t say it better.
And hey, this kind of experience is exactly what will make your writing powerful. I know it. It’s the kind of rawness that will be in the background in your work. You can do this. Hugs. And best of luck!
Thanks Katherine, My fears always worse than the reality. Fortunately, I have lived long enough to discover that. Hanging in. HUGS.
Hi Juneta,
It’s hard to come up with a decent reply to your post. I’m so sorry things are crappy at the moment, and yay to you for toughing it out and taking it one step at a time.
Priorities are a roof over your head and food in your belly. The writing will wait if it needs to. It’ll still be here (we’ll still be here) when you’re ready.
Your critic is too harsh (but aren’t we always our worst critic?). Perfect lives aren’t that interesting to read about. It’s those who’ve been through fire that have a story to tell.
Hang in there. I wish all the best for you. You’re so supportive to others, always there with a cheer and a helpful comment. You know where I am if you need either.
And don’t forget, tortoises may be slow but they can tuck their heads in and hibernate for a bit if they need to – they endure.
Hugs, Angie x
I’m doing good. Hanging in. Worst fears in the imagination always worse then what reality turns out to be, thank God for that. LIfe goes on and so will I, still writing.
Give your critic a slap for me, and add making lists to your plan. I find making lists and crossing stuff off, makes a person feel better. You can feed your soul when you look back at all the things scratched off, knowing you succeed.
Anna from Elements of Writing
LOL, yeah list do help. I do make them. Don’t always complete them, but I make them. I’m doing good, despite it all. LIfe goes on and it finds a way. Thanks for stopping by, HUGS.
Sorry to hear about your difficulties and the move. Moving is a stressful activity even in the best of situations, so I wish you the best in that endeavor. I like your optimism and your realism. As long as you keep doing what you are doing, everything should work out. Thanks for sharing this.
Thank you for commenting. I flipped flopped between posting this and something else more positive, but we all have our worst fears and in the end, when they occur they are not as awful as we imagine. I’m good and hanging in there.