IWSG MAY 3RD, 2017

IWSG MAY  2017

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IWSG MAY  2017

Insecure Writer’s Support Group


Ninja Captain Alex J. Cavanaugh 

Join the community here.  

Your co-host this month are:  


I will be out of the country on a cruise to the Bahama’s from May 7th to 11th, so unplugged and unavailable until my return.



Grand Bahama’s I’ve been here before>

IWSG MAY 3RD QUESTION:   What is the weirdest/coolest thing you ever had to research for your story?

Just recently Water Memory

The Sound of the Sun

Star Wars?  Just Kidding… 43 on playlist




Not Good Enough – Angst This month:

Eloquence.  Flow.  Structure.  Making Sense.   Why can’t we all just sit down and write books like our favorite authors? After all, we have all read all our lives and most writers are voracious readers.  I am.


Getting a finished product that you can be proud of, not so easy.  Really gives you a lot of respect for those that do.  Writing is hard and scary. Things were a lot easier when I just played at it, but I don’t want to do that anymore.


Sometimes I think I wrote better when I was playing. I forgot everything I know when I stopped writing for play, or feels like it.  I know I wrote more words in play than I do now.   I have one Star Wars role play document that is way over 80,000 words.  @@




MAY IWSG Author Spotlight is on 4 Author’s this month.

The Beginning of the End: Shadow Stalker Episode 19 by Renee Scattergood 


 Renee Scattergood lives in Australia with her husband, Nathan, and daughter, Taiya. She has always been a fan of fantasy and was inspired to become a story-teller by George Lucas, but didn’t start considering writing down her stories until she reached her late twenties. Now she enjoys writing dark fantasy and paranormal thrillers.

She is currently publishing her monthly Shadow Stalker serial, and she has published a prequel novella to the series called, Demon Hunt. She is also working on a new series of novels, A God’s Deception.

Aside from writing, she loves reading (fantasy, of course), watching movies with her family, and doing crafts and science experiments with her daughter.


Genre: Your Novel’s Genre Matters by Ronel Janse van Vuuren


Ronel Janse van Vuuren is the author of New Adult, Young Adult and children’s fiction filled with mythology and folklore. Her dark fantasy stories can be read on Wattpad and on her blog Ronel the Mythmaker. She won Fiction Writer of the Year 2016 for her Afrikaans stories on INK. She’s also a judge for Cracked Flash Fiction Competition.



Maski: Broken But Not Dead by Thriller-Suspense Author Joylene Nowell Butler


When Joylene’s father died in 1983, she wrote her first full–length manuscript to channel her grief. The seven-year process left her hooked and she began Dead Witness within a few weeks of finishing Always Father’s Child. Today Joylene is the author of four suspense novels: Dead Witness, Break Time, and Mâtowak, and Maski.

Pirate Island by Katie L. Carroll COVER REVEAL


Katie L. Carroll always says she began writing at a very sad time her life after her sister Kylene unexpectedly passed away. The truth is Katie has been writing her whole life, and it was only after Kylene’s death that she realized she wanted to pursue writing for kids and teens as a career. Since then writing has taken her to many wonderful places, real and imagined. She has had many jobs in her lifetime, including newspaper deliverer, hardware store cashier, physical therapy assistant, and puzzle magazine editor. She works from her home in Connecticut that is filled with the love and laughter of her sons and husband.



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