#IWSG March Webinars Are Getting Better


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Insecure Writer’s Support Group, founded by Ninja Captain Alex J. Cavanaugh

March Co-Hosts: Stop By Say HI!
Lauren Hennessy
Lisa Buie-Collard
Lidy Wilks
Christine Rains
Mary Aalgaard


I’m late getting this up.  My head has been really foggy the last two day, so finding something interesting to say…


My fear?  I often feel overwhelmed by time.  I won’t have enough, or it will take too much time, or maybe I just make excuses to myself out of fear.  Part of it is irrational, in that you have to begin in order to finish, which this type of thinking makes you–you’re own worst enemy.    So what did I do?

I watched Webinars all week.  I attended four of the best ever.  I learned so much just watching the webinar, so I don’t feel like I wasted my time, although I should have been writing.  They were awesome. They were like taking little mini courses about marketing, selling books, and writing your book description etc.

5 Steps To Selling More Books by Bryan Cohen hosted by Mary Buckham.  I attended the one hosted by K M Weiland Helping Writer’s Become Author site.  ( Podcast-(SELL MORE BOOKS SHOW with Jim Kukral and Bryan Cohen)

(You can listen anytime to this Podcast too with JoAnna Penn How To Write Your Book Sales Description With Bryan Cohen)

5 Powerful Blog Writing Strategies For More Shares, More Subscribers & More Success by Mary Jaksch. Write To Done & A-List Blogging sites.  Lots of great info and tips in this one.  I loved her accent.  

5 Ways To Double Your List In 7 Days by Jenna Soard You Can Brand, co-hosted with Mariah Coz FEMTREPRENEUR site.  You get so much more than what the name of this webinar implies.  

Create A Course by Dvorah Lansky Book Marketing Made Easy  site.  You learn a lot here too.



More Interesting Links:
7 Deadly Sins and 7 Virtues of Email Marketing Written by BETH HAYDEN Copyblogger

Kindle e-book Giveaways now at Amazon (#AmazonGiveaways for #ebooks) chrismcmullen

How to Create Awesome Scene Arcs That Surprise Readers K M Weiland

Note:  I just had to add, I looked at the IWSG list and I am #101.  I am close to dropping into the 2 digits–wahoo, I signed up in MARCH 5, 2014 and so far have not missed a post, I’ve been late getting them up, but not missed yet.  Don’t know why this excites me, but it does… rofl

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  • Pingback: Copywriting, Content Management, Sell More Books - Juneta Key

  • Thanks for stopping by my blog. As you can see, I know a little about being late. I think maybe I should try some webinars. I need to do something. As for getting into the double digits, I can also relate. Right now this group has been my one consistent writing thing and when I hit double digits I was about to quit, and then I didn’t. Thanks for sharing this. It’s great.

    • So glad you did not quite WTG girl. My 2nd constant actually, the other is Holly Lisle forums and courses. They are a wonderful group of writers too. You welcome. Hope you learn a lot if you get to watch any of them.

  • I have to make time to listen to these. They’re important. Thanks, Juneta!

  • Awesome links! Thank you. I’m having a similar problem right now. Just made a big change with a new job and I haven’t adjusted yet so no writer stuff is getting done, and time for the blog is rough to find at the moment. I find schedules help me. Like x amount of time for this. When the clock strikes 3:20, then I switch to Z. That sort of thing. http://mpaxauthor.com

    • Good luck with that. I am still job hunting. Its been a tough year or two. You will find your balance. I don’t know why, but I think I wrote more when I was working because I knew my writing time was limited. Good luck on the new job and Happy Writing.

  • You packed your brain in last week. I think those webinars would be simple ways to get a lot of information.

  • Thank you so much for sharing all the links. I haven’t attended a webinar yet, but I really think I should. Its great that you learned so much. Good for you.

  • Congrats on closing in on double digits. Thanks for the links. 🙂

    Anna from elements of emaginette

  • You are a long time member of IWSG. I haven’t listened to a webinar in a while but I could do that while I’m riding my stationery bike.

    • I am, I really enjoy IWSG and you guys are all so great. I look forward to the first Wed every month. I think you will find them worth your time.

  • How awesome you got to watch the webinars! I have to pick and choose carefully how I spend my time. Webinars aren’t even on the short list right now.

  • Wow! I’ll have to check some of those out! Great of you to share!

  • Great list there. So many things to learn. And, as you mentioned, so little time. lol

  • You should share what you learned. 😉 I’m going to see if I can watch some if these podcasts. Thanks for all the links. I have research to do now. 😀

    • I have been thinking about doing that and then I think I don’t know anything. Still thinking on it… Hope you enjoy the podcast, I know I do. Happy researching,

  • Learning new things is definitely a good way to spend time. Those webinars sound interesting. I might have to listen to some of them myself.

    • They were really great. I mean not what I think of as typical webinars, more like mini workshops. I want to watch them again. I took notes, which I now need to sort and type up, so I have the infor.

  • Congratulations on moving up that list! It sounds like it’s really working for you (and maybe it’ll work for me too.)! And thanks for the resources, too.

    • It will definitely work for you just be dedicated, even if late, just do it, even it is to only put up a paragraph, the logo and links, you still posted, You did something. Your welcome.

  • Time can be hard to allocate sometimes, good to always learn though.

    • Yes, it can, but for once these webinars were so worth it. I want to watch them again. Too bad they are only available during the launch or promotion.

  • It sounds like you were taking time to learn some important business skills.
    Way to go!

  • At least the webinars were helping you learn about marketing–so they weren’t a waste of time! I think you can consider that work! 🙂

    • Thank you. I will take it, lol. I felt bad about writing, because it seems I have been doing a lot of goofing lately, but you are right that was not waste of time.

  • I really want to start listening to more podcasts and learning from them.

    I got excited, too, when I moved into double digits on the IWSG list. 🙂

    • Whoop, whoop, double digits Yeah! I enjoy listening to podcasts and learn a lot. Some faves are JoAnna Penn, Simon Whistler, Truant, Platt and Dave, now Bryan Cohen he is awesome.

  • I’ve been needing a push to get me back on the exercise bike – maybe watching a webinar at the same time is the way!
    You must have so much info stuffed into your head by now! Time to apply it to some writing – you’ll shock yourself when you do!!
    Go girl! 🙂

    • Now that sounds productive. You go, girl! I do have a lot stuffed in there, but sometimes I can’t figure out how to access it when I need and put it to good use. @@ Maybe that is a sign of age, lol, or lack of vitamin B.

  • I’m terrible at marketing, but I know it’s nearly as important—if not more so—than the writing itself. Time is in such short supply these days, it’s sometimes difficult to know how the writer should best allot it. Time spent learning is never wasted.

    • No kidding. Time is the most valuable commodity in the world because once lost it can never be recovered. It is only yours in the here and now of this moment and gone, so every single second count’s in our decisions and choices.

  • I’m always wishing I had more time. I have so much I want to do, I start worrying I’ll never have enough time to finish it all. I suppose I just need to figure out how I want to spend my 24 hours per day.

    Best of luck not feeling overwhelmed!

    • LOL, You sound like me, if I spent less time worrying and more time just getting it done no telling what I would have accomplished. I don’t know why I always have to convince myself, or encourage myself to do something good for me. It would give me more of those 24hrs to work in too,lol. Go figure.

  • It’s always good to learn something new. I’m glad the Webinars were interesting and informative. Time is always an issue isn’t it? Some days I seem to be able to fit lots in . . . other days not so much! 101 on the sign up list and not having missed a post, that is awesome 🙂

    I was interested to read your comments on my blog about your Pegasus muse. Thank you for stopping by.

    • I follow a lot of these writer’s blogs, so get the emails when they do webinars, These were some of the best, so was so glad I signed up and knew about them in time to attend. They were worth the investment of time, which I was happy about since I started out goofing, lol.

      Thank you.

      Since you found that thought interesting about the muse, here is a post on my blog I wrote about my muse and the right brain vs left brain https://www.junetakey.com/oldsite/posts/my-muse/

  • Marketing is just as important and we need to take the time to learn how to do it right. You might not have been writing but you were learning.

    • LOL, appreciate the support. You are right. Marketing will always be important almost as much as the writing with all the changes with the net.

  • There’s so much information out there that my head throbs just thinking about it. Glad the webinars are helpful. I’ve had a few that I’ve really learned a lot from, so it’s never a waste of time in my book.

  • Sounds like you’ve watched some good webinars!

  • Webinars can be full of useful information. I just watched one last week about the business side of writing. Anything that helps further your writing knowledge is good (and not a waste of time). I’m currently IWSG #118. Moving up. 🙂

    • You go #118, yeah! My head agrees it is just my emotions, the feel part, that puts that idea in my head I’m goofing, especially when I really enjoy one–isn’t that silly? LOL

  • I have a similar problem. I don’t start projects unless I think I have ample time to complete them. Well, when does that ever happen? I need to change my thinking and do as much as I can until the next thing happens. Then, pick it back up again. Write in spurts. Clean in spurts. Get organized in spurts. These will lead to finished projects. I’m still working on that.

    Thanks for visiting my blog today. Just ignore the facebook comment section of my blog. You can comment on either one.

    • Thank you for visiting too. Also thank you for the outline of how to get things done because if you think about those little spurts are really how we accomplish most things we do in thought out and planned increments.

  • Sometimes we need to focus on the ‘learning’ side of writing to find inspiration! I always feel energized when I take the time to do these things too, and it seems I may have to again very soon, thanks to you. I must got *clicky* on those links! And yay for almost being in the double digits! I’m #68 even though I missed last month . . . eek!

  • Webinars. That sounds like a good idea. I need to learn more about marketing.

    • There is a lot to learn. Also, what was worked last years some of that has changed. It is ever evolving, which is why I watch and try to learn any chance I get, especially from people I know are good for quality webinars.

  • LOL, I wish I had time to watch all those webinars! did you learn anything interesting about growing one’s mailing list? the FB ads didn’t work for me 🙁 Hugs!

    • Yes I learned a lot, I will have to put some thought into it to articulate it. I’ve heard that from a lot of people about FB ads, yet there are few who make it work and recommend them. I think there are fewer of the latter on the large scale. FB has made so many changes and restrictions in the last couple of years that for the majority it just does not work anymore from what I have read.

      HUGS! 😉

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