I’ve decided to focus more on short story and flash fiction this year, while I continue working on my novel projects. I have discovered that learning to write flash fiction and the short story has help me improve my scenes in my longer works.
My fear is that my stories won’t be interesting enough, or they’ll confuse; sometimes I struggle to find the right words to convey the emotion or picture. I want my stories to snap and connect with my reader. I want them to have fun reading it and want more of it, but I guess that is every authors hope.
The challenge of flash fiction is to grab your reader, connect with them and move them in a meaningful way, make an emotional connection, or give them the unexpected.
Start with action or some dire realization vital to the character. You have just a few words to get your story told, so you cannot dwell on character and world development.
The simplest story structure is the three acts version.
Act I: Intro the character in the setting showing his need. It doesn’t have to be deeply detailed. It just needs to give an idea of character and a place. Setting does not have to be elaborate to convey a sense of place.
The thing that drives the story is the characters deep seeded need. It motivates and colors everything in their world. Flash Fiction should start as close to the climax as possible.
Act II: The conflict is usually centered around one major event or incident. The middle still carries the bulk of the story and the word count.
Act III: The climax and resolution. Make them think. Make them feel. Make them laugh or flat out shock them. You need to give the reader something to take away with them.
Use action verbs and strong verbs in your descriptions and avoid adverbs to minimize your word count. Vary your sentence length for pace and atmosphere; overly complex sentences add words.
In a short piece less can lend power to the overall effect of the story. The focus is what is happening right now. Trust your reader to get it. Be choosy, keep it simple, but strong in word choices.
Flash fiction is around 500 words up to 1000 words. Deep POV can aid a story’s emotional connection, or/and create that present moment feel you need to hook the reader. A lot of flash fiction is written in the 1st person POV for the punch. Once written consider the arrangement for impact. I often move things around on the edit of the completed story to create a tighter and stronger story.
I just participated in a Flash Fiction blog hop. Storytime Blog Hop founded by Holly Lisle Students. Read my contribution here & find other links to more flash fiction.
I have 3 other flash fiction stories available to read HERE
Once you click on this link you will see the free course to the right of site in an orange box that say How To Write Flash Fiction That Doesn’t Suck.
Affiliate Disclosure
List of Action Verbs
List of Strong Verbs
Deep POV—What’s So Deep About It by Fiction Editor Beth Hill on The Editor’s Blog
Wikipedia definition of flash fiction
Flash fiction is around 500 words up to 1000 words.
What Writer’s Digest Has To Say About Flash Fiction
Wikipedia definition of short story
How to Write a Short Story With Deep Structure (And Win a Prize for It) Dr John Yeoman, PhD Creative Writing on Write To Done
Tips For Writing Short Stories by Shirley McLain
The Long Journey to the Perfect Short Story by Jen Scott, associate editor at Firewords Quarterly: on Live Write Thrive
THE 6 HUMAN NEEDS: WHY WE DO WHAT WE DO Anthony Robins Change Your LIfe
Maslow’s hierarchy of needs Wikipedia
Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs Simple Psychology
16 Personality Types
Writer’s Helping Writings–Tools
IWSG-The home blog
Twitter hashtag: #IWSG
Want to get in the habit of blogging at least once a month. Get to know other writers. Build your confidence by joining in, Insecure Writer’s Support Group, founded by Ninja Captain Alex J. Cavanaugh. Blog about your fears, your triumphs, failures, success, your expertise and passions. Don’t forget to stop by and say HI to Alex’s co-hosts February 3 Allison Gammons,Tamara Narayan, Eva E. Solar, Rachel Pattison, and Ann V. Friend!
Pingback: Writing Short Stories & Flash Fiction - Juneta Key
I’ve tried to embrace flash fiction, but it seems I still have a love-hate relationship with it. Sometimes I love it and I hate writing it though I still try. Perhaps I should check out this course. Thanks so much for sharing this. Best of luck with your writing.
Because I write nonfiction, for now but really want to write fiction I have been writing flash fiction whenever I have a chance. I was so uncomfortable at first but really enjoy it now.
Thank you for posting these links, I am enjoying them!
I’m a flash fiction junkie. I simply LOVE it!
It’s a great way to practise lean, tight writing.
Thanks for all the links. 🙂
Flash fiction requires a special talent. Being brief isn’t everyone’s strong suit.
I agree. It takes practice and honing the skill.
I’ve read some flash fiction and I think I’ve done some flash fiction work as exercises in classes I’ve taken. I think it’s a good way to train ourselves to be more concise in our work.
I agree. Thanks for visiting with me.
I’ve never tried flash fiction. I have a really hard time writing anything short. I can see, though, how it would help with word choice and focus. Thanks for all the links! Your story, Consequence, is heart wrenching.
Thank you. Flash Fiction can be fun and help build ideas and background for longer works. I like using it as moments in the life or times of a character, a window to one moment that shapes or defines them.
Flash fiction is not something I have ever tried writing but I have written short stories in the past and would like to find time to do so again, so it was interesting to read this post and learn a little more. I have mainly been working on longer pieces recently.
It can be as fun as it is challenging. It also gives the reward of completing, which you don’t get from longer works. That gives a satisfaction, when I struggle with longer work. It helps build confidence. It is also a good way to build a writing habit and get an immediate feel of reward.
I use to write a lot of short stories (have written and published around 60). I have never tried Flash Fiction. Will click on the link you have shared and learn how to write good Flash Fiction. Thanks.
Wow, that’s awesome. Hope you enjoy the links.
I was invited to present a piece of flash fiction at a local writers’ groups, and found writing it very interesting. It forced me to be precise, and I think that experience has made me more aware of what words and phrases I chose in my longer writing.
Exactly right it does force you to more focus/precise. Thanks so much for stopping by.
Yes! I rarely write flash fiction these days, but I used to host a flash fiction blog. Nothing helped my long fiction more than writing flash. Flash teaches the importance of injecting tension and momentum into every page, paragraph, and word. I can’t the same for short stories. Shorts have taught me little that I can use in novel writing—my first love.
Glad to hear it. I am hoping it really helps my more. What I have done has me with scenes I know, but I need more practice, lol. Thanks for visiting me.
I’ve tried it a time or two, it really can help the longer ones.
I agree, thanks for visiting with me.
I love writing flash fiction! Good luck with your goals this year! 🙂
Thank you
Many thanks for the useful links. Flash fiction is something that I need to try – might improve my short stories as well as novel attempts.
Your Welcome. Glad you find them helpful.
I enjoy a little flash fiction every now and again myself. Happy writing!
Ditto, thanks for stopping to chat
Thanks so much for the informative links, Juneta. Very helpful.
Your Welcome, glad you like them.
That’s a good plan. Writing shorter is harder, so if you can master that you should be fine with your longer projects.
Wow, Juneta! I’ve never tried flash fiction but it sounds like a wonderful way to improve and tighten one’s writing.
It is a lot of fun with a sense of accomplish, when you get your short story to work.
Oh yeah, I’ll bet writing flash fiction is a GREAT way to learn how to make every word count, even in your longer pieces.
It definitely is.
Wow. That’s a lot of great info.
I wrote my first short story this year. It’s pretty hard!
Thank you. Congratulations! And yeah it is, lol
Harlan Ellison wrote that each chapter of your novel should be like a mini-novel with its own 3 act arc. Flash fiction will certainly help you achieve that. Thanks for visiting my blog and staying to chat. 🙂
Thank you
I love your new cover! Flash fiction is hard, but once you master that you can achieve anything. 🙂 Good luck!!!
Thank you. I thought it fit better, It could represents all types of genres. Hugs.
I’m an advocate for writing flash fiction. It really does work well to hone your skills.
Yes it does!
Short stories are a challenge. It’s a different mindset than novel writing. I have trouble streamlining. I’m always in novel mode with too many story threads. 🙂 But it is a great way to hone craft. http://mpaxauthor.com
I have tendency to get to complicated with story, so have to refocus on what I am trying to achieve with the shorter story. I like complication though in story.
I think flash fiction is fun and challenging at the same time. Writing it has definitely helped my writing skills improve . . . not that they are where I want them to be yet, but flash fiction has helped.
Happy Writing!
Thankk you. It is also helping my writing skills too.
I’ve written a couple of flash pieces. They certainly aren’t easy!
No they are not, but they can be rewarding. One that feeling of completing a story. Two a way to showcase your work. Three something to feed your readers who are loyal. Four a way to develop craft skill. Five a way to develop tighter writing. Six Its a challenge, lol. Thanks for stopping by.
I’ve never made an attempt at writing Flashfiction, but honestly, Juneta, you’ve just explained it in a way that finally makes sense to me. Flashfiction is a mini-novel. A scene from a larger work. I get it! Wow.
Yes, a scene but slightly different, because of the ending. It ends with a twist or the unexpected or something that has impact or psychological impact and resonates for the reader. I confess a lot of my short stuff ends up being preludes for a longer work, but that is not necessarily wrong, however, FF should stand a lone as a complete story in the scene. I am so glad you like it and was helpful.
Three acts is a great way to look at it. I haven’t written flash fiction in a while and that’s great advice!
Thanks, I try to remember it needs to be a complete story in itself in the scene, even though it is just a moment or incident in time, so, associating it with 3 acts helps me to the finish line when writing them.
Good advice on writing flash fiction. I did just one for a blog hop a couple years ago. I felt the need to provide lots of action.
Action stories can be fun and keep you reading ij a short piece.
I’ve never written flash fiction, but it seems like a great way to hone your skills–you have to do so much in such a short time, and make it pop. I think that’s a real skill. Good luck!
Thank you
A definite challenge to do it in 500 words. I started my career writing shorts. You need the same skill set but must get rid of a lot of details that slow the pace and bog the story down. I think shorts are harder to write. So I lift a glass to you. Cheers.
Keep me posted.
Anna from elements of emaginette
LOL, thank you
Writing short works is tough. I’ve learned a lot about writing by doing so, and it allows me to try out different genres and styles. It’s made my longer works much better too! Good luck and have fun. 🙂
I hope it has the same effect on me.
I admire writers who write flash fiction and short stories. It truly is a great art form. Personally I struggle with both, but know you can do well. Don’t worry about what others will think. Just write the story you want. You can always fix it later. Best of luck.
Great advice, thank you.
What a great post! So many useful writing links!
I agree, flash fiction can help you to write much ‘tighter’. I’ve taken Holly’s course too and found it incredibly useful. I tend to apply it to longer stories too.
Great idea to concentrate on short stuff this year, I look forward to seeing what you come up with 🙂
Thank you. I enjoyed our post too. Proud of your accomplishment.
Juneta Writer’s Gambit
Flash fiction is probably shorter than I could manage. Yes, even for the man of few words! I am comfortable with short stories now though. Easier to write than full novels.
I took Holly’s free 3-week flash fiction course and it helped me a lot, even to improve my scenes in my longer works. Its challenging to write something short that grabs the reader or pulls them in. I am still working on the longer short story, when I write over 3000 words I just want to keep writing. For some reason I find the longer short story harder to conclude in way that brings it to a close. Holly’s course help me understand how to get the ending for Flash Fiction.