IWSG DECEMBER 7TH Interview MG Fantasy Author Tara Tyler
Happy IWSG Day Everyone!
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Insecure Writer’s Support Group
Ninja Captain Alex J. Cavanaugh
Join the community here. I’m one of your co-host this month. Never been a co-host before, so I’m a bit nervous. I can say I love this community and thank you Alex Cavanaugh, for creating it for us.
Here are the other December 7TH CO-HOSTS Give them a visit too!
Today I welcome Tara Tyler to my Author Spotlight on IWSG day for her newest release and her second book in her middle-grade fantasy series “Beast World.” The realease date is December 1st.
The Interview
1) If you were pitching this book idea to a publisher what would that pitch be?
I actually did pitch this to several agents, even though I have a home with my publisher. But it’s still hard to get one, maybe harder since the series is already begun…I have the blurb below, but here’s my one-line pitch:
Teenage fantasy creatures discover humans, causing a village of trouble on spring break
2) What was your favorite part about writing this story?
I enjoyed expanding Beasts World and continuing their story, especially adding humans. But my favorite part was Gabe’s black eye scene. And I love writing the rough draft because I can use my favorite color pens, scribbling and doodling in my notebook, and I can do it anywhere!
3) Tell us about your main character in CRADLE ROCK, Gabe.
Gabe is a typical goblin. He’s smart and spunky, and definitely a nerd, but brave when he has to be. He’s barely five feet tall with olive skin and hair, average all the way around, except for having the biggest pointed ears anyone’s every seen. He’s also loyal, but very wary of new things. And clumsy, can’t forget clumsy, especially around his girlfriend Ona the ogress.
4) How much research did you do and what type? Include most interesting or most unusual.
My world is roughly based on earth, in the far distant future. So choosing the fate of humans and how beasts developed, I researched landscapes and climates in a future-cast. Fantasy is probably the easiest in terms of research because we get to make most of it up!
5) What was the most significant thing you learned writing this story?
Each time I enter Beast World, I remember what being a teenager was like. It’s fun to setup awkwardness, teasing among friends, and do or die attitudes. It’s also fun to see them grow up. I try to pass on lessons in my stories too. In CRADLE ROCK the beasts have to learn to accept one another and compromise rather than resort to violence out of fear of differences – very relatable to our own society!
6) What’s next for you?
I alternate between my two series, so the next one I’m finishing up is DISPOSAL for the Pop Travel series. But I’ve also started on the rough draft of WINDY HOLLER, the next Beast World book.
7) What is the hardest part of being a writer?
Patience. I want it done yesterday. It’s such a long, time-consuming process. I deal with rejection. I have energy, ideas, and perseverance. I just need to work on my patience!
8) Anything you would like to say to the readers before we close?
If you like a book, give it a quick review. It doesn’t have to be long and detailed, just a statement that you liked it and will be back for more. Authors are always in need of reviews. Especially for sequels!
Thanks for having me, Juneta. I enjoyed answering these fun questions, reflecting on the process!
by Tara Tyler
Tara Tyler has had a hand in everything from waitressing to rocket engineering. After moving all over, she now writes and teaches math in Ohio with her three active boys and Coach Husband. Currently, she has two series, Pop Travel (techno-thriller detective capers) and Broken Branch Falls (fantasy adventures). To squeeze in writing, she economizes her time aka the Lazy Housewife. Make every day an adventure!
Talk to me!
Author Blog ~~ @taratylertalks ~~ Facebook ~~ Housewives Blog
I’ll also be giving away signed copies of Broken Branch Falls and Cradle Rock, some Beast World swag, and a $20 GC!
IWSG DECEMBER question is –
In terms of your writing career, where do you see yourself five years from now, and what’s your plan to get there?
In five years I see myself as a published author of several books. My plan is to get serious about Write, Publish, Repeat & Change my Mindset. I know what you’re thinking, but you were already serious. No, not serious enough. I allowed myself to be distracted by life, and I’ve let doubt rule my long-term actions and fan my fears.
- I need to write. Every day. Rain or Shine or the Apocalypse.
- Get out of my way. I need to stop worrying about what I cannot control or do in the process now and finish what I can control and do. The one thing totally within my power alone is to write. I can also edit and revise.
- Take small steps of ACTION daily, set deadline goals and work toward them as if my life depends on it. Create structure around my work day and stick to it like glue–habit-routine is key to success as the quote below says.
This year I am narrowing my focus and changing my habits.
“When the world changes around you and when it changes against you — what used to be a tail wind is now a head wind — you have to lean into that and figure out what to do because complaining isn’t a strategy.” – Jeff Bezos
Write. Publish. Repeat. (The No-Luck-Required Guide to Self-Publishing Success) (The Smarter Artist Book 1) by Sean Platt, Johnny B. Truant
- “Read Iterate and Optimize — the sequel to Write. Publish. Repeat.” Available NOW.
- Business For Authors: How To Be An Author Entrepreneur by Joanna Penn
- The Successful Author Mindset: A Handbook For Surviving The Writer’s Journey by JoAnna Penn
- Inspired Writer: How to Create Magic With Your Word by Bryan Hutchinson
- Free Read on site-Killing the Sacred Cow of Publishing Dean Wesley Smith
- Self-Publishing Podcasts
November’s Author Spotlight was on another IWSG community author Lynda Young
Cling to God in the chaos of life…
Cling to God is a book of devotionals for every day of the year. The aim is to encourage Christians in their faith, to help them think about their beliefs and learn more about God. The devotions are short and inspirational so that people with busy lifestyles will still able to spend time with the Lord each day. It’s designed for a wide Christian audience–those new in their faith as well as those matured beyond milk and honey.
“Cling To God”, New Daily Devotional by Lynda R Young. Read the Interview here.
I’ve been invited by Katharina Gerlach to participate in her Winter/Christmas Advent Calendar. Sign up to receive a short story or flash under a 1000 words each day from different authors. My story: Wild Magic: Episode I. Counting Down, Sign up here.
Bonus: On the 26th, get all stories in a free e-book at the end of the countdown.
Indie Author’s Advent Calendar 2016
Click Here & Sign Up
Ha, remembering what it was like as a teenager can be fun. Best wishes to Tara.
Wow! A lot going on these days. Best wishes to Tara Tyker and her latest and greatest. And I’m signing up for your newsletter. Oh by the way you have a great banner!
Stephen Tremp
Ah, Thank you so much. I love my Ravens. They even have inspired an idea for a series, Wings Over Texas, but they also were part of the inspiration for Moon Hollow Magic Born or Magic Cursed? too. Thank you for signing up for my newsletter, does hippy hop skippy dance. I read your book Salem’s Daughter in my Goodreads reading challenge this year. Enjoyed it a lot. Love the cover.
Love, love, LOVE Tara’s cover and the book sounds delightful!!! 🙂
Developing those daily habits is important. You’ll get there!!
Thank you and thanks for stopping by.
Congratulations Tara! The book sounds so unique and fun. I loved your interview. You are always so cool and calm:)
Hey Juneta! Your goals are attainable. Like you, I should work on those good habits. I need to get back to writing everyday. You can do it, Juneta!
Thank you and you can too. Cheering us both on,
Congrats to Tara!
Your #1 on your list is one I’ve been doing for about a year and a half. Now I just need to get serious about doing all the other things after writing that first draft. Best of luck!
That reassuring. I’m impressed with your productive and all you. Thank you.
Terrific interview. Congratulations and best of luck to Tara!
As much as I always stress being an author is NOT all about the writing—a patent lie fed to fledgling authors when they’re first starting out—writing is the only piece of the publishing puzzle writers control. Even when life gets in the way, that’s where our efforts should be focused. Your five-year is perfect, Juneta!
Ah thank, you so much for those words. I love you blog. You have such interesting and wise post. Happy Holidays.
Life can sure get in the way, but come what may.
You’re so much fun, talking in rhyme
Thanks for sharing time
Thanks for co-hosting this month! That sounds like an excellent action plan for achieving your goals. I definitely have that struggle of distractions and doubt, too.
Great interview! I love the cover of Cradle Rock, it looks like an exciting story.
Thank you and for stopping by to chat.
What a great list you have, although I will admit that sometimes life gets in the way of getting what I want done. Thanks so much for co-hosting, and Tara’s new book looks amazing. Hugs. Eva
Thank you. Hugs Back. 😉
Oh Juneta, I think mindset is the buzz word of the year. At first I put it off, not taking the idea seriously. But the more I make up my mind on things in my life, e.g. not eating all that sugar, and not just writing, the more I see how important my mindset is and how much I can influence my actions and achieve goals. Thanks for the list of books. Going to check them off. Tara, you have such a wonderful imagination. Go for it! Congrats on your writing success.
JQ Rose
Thank you Janet. Hugs.
Great list for IWSG. I’m right there with you: I need to get out of my own way and stop worrying. Do you know what actions you need to take to be where you want to be in 5 years?
The first step is to finish whatever story I am working on by setting deadlines and focusing on that goal. First STEP: Write, Finish, Revise, Edit–all in my power no one elses. After that have a few ideas but I am not worrying about the rest until the first is done.
I have several shorts and novels I want to finish. The 2nd step is revise, revise, revise, edit, edit, edit, until I have a final draft ready for publishing. Next step cover, blurb/premise, formatting and inside links-copyright ect. Publish, send out shorts to mags, contest etc. I would love to have 3 to 5 books by end of the year 2017 published and several shorts, and maybe an anthology.
That will take FOCUSED dedicated to writing like a 8 to 5 job plus overtime, if I have any chance of achieving that goal, so it starts this month. One step at a time. Do, finish, send it out and repeat.
Oh yeah, aandj8804, when writing the story do not stop for edits, corrections or anything else. Do not go back and fix. Just make a note after I have finished writing the story. Once I finish that then I have something to work with and can get to revising and writing the real story and I will understand what the story is really about instead of still wondering because I never got to the end the first time. That is the advice that was given me why a lot don’t finish or procrastinate so long. Finish the story and the fix the story your have. I will be taking mine through Holly Lisle’s How To Revise Your Novel Course. I think yesterday was the last day to register until next year. She has an early bird list you can signup for to be notified when it opens again. Its hard, but worth it. On my sidebar is a link to her FREE 3-week flash fiction course How To Write Flash Fiction That Doesn’t Suck! if interested in seeing what she is about. No gimmicks, its free. FYI
Life does sometimes get in the way of our goals, but it’s how we move past them that enhances the writing!
Tara is an excellent writer, love her work! and Lynda too! Such awesome books!
Great job being on the team – you’re doing a beautiful job!
Congratulations, and Have a wonderful holiday season and blessed New Year!
Yes it does. I’m trying to train myself to write through them,not easy by any means. Tara & Lynda are awesome, I agree. Thank you. Happy Holidays to you too.
In case of the Apocalypse, you have permission to take a break from writing to fight off marauding demons and scavenge for food and water.
LOL, thank you. Guess I should think about survival first and then write.
Nice to “meet” you, Juneta. Your website banner is awesome!
I must confess, when I saw your post was an author interview, my heart sank a little. “Not another author interview!” I thought, but it was great! Tara is fascinating, and her book sounds well written and interesting. So through you, I’ve met two new authors to follow! Thank you for that.
Good luck with your goals. You sound extremely focused! And please keep in touch.
I’m glad you enjoyed it and it did not put you off. Its nice to meet you too. Definitely keep in touch. Thanks for taking time to stop by and chat.
Haha, this was cute: “Gabe is a typical goblin.” He does sound delightful. Your goals sound great, but hard. Good luck!
Thanks for taking time to chat.
Challenging goals, Juneta. I learned at a young age from my mother that there is no point in worrying about the things you can’t change or control. Great post! Congratulations to Tara. Lovely interview and a fantastic cover.
Thank you. 😉
wow! you did an awesome job co-hosting and wrote a wonderful, inspiring post. I’m so glad I got to be a part of it. thanks again
Ah, Thanks Tara. You gave some great answer on that interview.
Love your goals!
And, congrats to Tara!
Thank you.
I especially agree with your 3rd goal, “Take small steps of ACTION daily.” With your action plan and positive attitude, I’m sure 2017 will be filled with great accomplishments. Thank you for co-hosting IWSG.
Must be small steps or I feel completely overwhelmed. Also when you look back on the small goals accomplished you see how much you really have done, Thanks for stopping to chat.
I agree, it’s all in the attitude. It’s not even necessarily how hard you work as apposed to how hard you trust and believe in yourself. Great interview. Thanks for co-hosting, Juneta.
Thank you for stopping to chat and all the visits during 2016. Peace be with you.
Patience is definitely a necessary trait for writers. That, and a kickass attitude about doing what needs to be done, despite the obstacles. Glad you’re becoming even more serious about writing.
Thank you.
I like that bit about getting out of your own way! I have been working on that in my own life, too! Sometimes I simply try to fit too much into one day. The other way I slow myself down is by editing as I write. Better to leave that until later. Setting a timer really helps keep me focused, though.
Thanks for being a co-host! ~Tui via TuiSnider.com
LOL, that is my biggest problem. I need to tell me to shut up and write. Thanks for visiting me.
Juneta – your three points are exactly where I am at. Write, let go, take action. With those steps, any goal can be achieved! Thanks for your insights and for co-hosting today.
Thank you for visiting, Now if I will just do those things. lol
Good, solid writing plan. Keep going. Thanks for co-hosting this month.
Thank you for stopping by.
Focus and prioritizing seem to be the way to go when trying to achieve a writing goal. Thanks for co-hosting and good luck with your goals!
Thank you for visiting with me.
Great writing plan! The hardest thing for a writer to do is write. #irony Who was it that said writing is fifty percent procrastination? Thank you for co-hosting, and for the nice interview!
Happy Holidays!
lol, You are so right and I have to stop the procrastination. Thanks for stopping by.
Every day. Rain or shine. Lookout mindset, here I come! Enjoyed the interview too, thank you Juneta 😉
Thank you and good luck to you too.
Tara’s books look like so much fun. I want to collect them all for reading with my kids.
Good goals. I think I get in my own way a lot too. It’s hard not to do.
LOL, Yeah I have the all both series. Yeah ME needs to hush and just take actions no internal talking or procrastinating
You’ve got your goal – take a deep breath and charge towards it.
Thank you. Tweeted you back.
Good luck with your writing plan!
Thank you.
Here’s to writing every day! You can do it and damned the apocalypse! Great job co-hosting today and featuring these authors.
LOL, Yeah I can. I always love your comments. You make me smile. HUGS
Juneta @ Writer’s Gambit
I love the plan. Success is around the corner. 🙂
Anna from elements of emaginette
Thank you Anna, Around the corner for you too. Enjoyed reading your plan.
Excellent plan! And I absolutely love this – “I need to write. Every day. Rain or Shine or the Apocalypse.” 🙂
LOL, Thank you. That last was to remind me of the mindset I need to establish.
Great goals! We have to keep moving forward!
Thank you for co-hosting!
LOL, that reminds me of a song. Let’s get moving. https://youtu.be/hdcTmpvDO0I
Thanks for co-hosting! I agree with writing everyday. It works. And we can control it. No matter if it’s only a few hundred words or thousands.
Agree, thanks for chatting with me.
Write Publish Repeat looks really good. Is it as wonderful as it sounds?
It is. Lots of info. The sequel is good too. Under writer resources I have a list of great writing craft books I love and have helped me. Happy Holidays Jacqui, and thanks for visiting with me.
Thanks for co-hosting. Juneta!
“Rain or Shine or the Apocalypse.” I LOVE that! 😀
Congrats to Tara!
LOL, thank you too.
It seems like an easy task to just sit down and get things written, doesn’t it? That is, until you actually sit down to do it! Good luck in your goals!
No kidding Megan. Thanks for stopping by to chat.
Tara’s book sounds awesome. ^_^
As for your goals, I really like the approach you’re taking. If you need extra incentive to keep focused, I have a monthly bloghop focused on achieving goals. All the best with your writing habits. But if it does come to having to write during the apocalypse, don’t forget to keep an eye out for zombies.
Thank you Misha. Once I get organized and setup, something I am still working out and figuring what I want to do I may do that. Well do, lol.
thanks so much for having me today! and i appreciate all the sweet comments!
live your goal setting methods, no matter what, just keep swimming/writing!
LOL, that “Just Keep Swimming… from Dory is something I tell myself all the time. I loved having you Tara. Great interview.
I have Tara’s first book in the Beast series…just need to find the time to read it. The covers are fabulous and look like loads of fun.
I think that narrowing one’s focus is the way to go. Excellent idea.
Thanks for co-hosting the IWSG this month!
Writer In Transit
I have Tara’s books, fun reads. The covers are awesome are they not?
“Complaining isn’t a strategy.” Now, that’s a good quote!
Thanks for co-hosting IWSG this month and lifting up another author’s work!
Mary at Play off the Page
Thank you for visiting me.
Awesome interview! I love Tara’s Beast World books. They’re so much fun. 🙂 And excellent goals for the next five years. I’m doing my best to become a writing machine, and not get distracted by things like the cat on my lap. *LOL* Thank you for co-hosting today.
LOL, ah, I miss my kitty. I like cat on lap, but cat on keyboard can be a bit hindering. Thank you for the visit.
Nice, tight, sensible, and attainable plan! Congrats to Tara. Thanks for co-hosting.
Thank you and Thanks for visiting me.
Excellent interview with Tara. I have trouble being patient as well. I can be super excited about a project and then fifty things will happen to get in the way. I also need to take my writing time more seriously and stop letting less important things distract me. Exercise is something that I do nearly every day (or else I wouldn’t sleep). I should prioritize writing with the same attitude and commitment.
I think that sounds like a plan. Wishing you the best. Thanks for visiting with me and Merry Christmas
I need to focus more too. It always seems like so much is going on in our family and I need to put my writing first more often. It’s so great how you promote other writers.
I love doing it. I also love seeing them succeed. You are welcome in my Spotlight anytime you need it or guest post, that is something new I am going to do for next year. Merry Christmas
Sounds like sensible goals. You can do it! Great getting to know Tara better.
Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays to you and your family.
Thank you. Merry Happy Holiday to your family too.
Tara – it was fun getting to know more about you and Cradle Rock. It sounds like a really fun book and I love the cover.
Juneta – thanks so much for co-hosting this month! I like your goal of writing every day no matter what. That’s something I should consider committing to.
Thank you. Thanks for taking time to visit with me too. Happy Holidays
I like your plan. You’re even prepared for the apocalypse.
Tara, I want it done yesterday as well.
Awesome author to feature.
And thanks for co-hosting today!
Happy Holidays Alex and thank you for this great community.
Hello, Juneta, thank you for co-hosting. Congrats to Tara! And I like you’re thoughts of small steps, that’s what it takes!!! Keep going!!
Thank you and Happy Holidays.
Thank you for co-hosting IWSG for December. You have a solid list of goals for 2017. Best of success with your writing.
Enjoy the holidays and Happy New Year to you and your family.
Thank you. Happy Holidays to you and yours too.
Hi Juneta,
Look at you! Hosting! Woo-hoo! Well done 🙂 🙂 🙂
Great post and I’m cheering you on here – grab bite sized chunks of writing time where you can, it’s amazing how it stacks up.
Have a great day,
A x
Thanks Angela. Hugs 😉
Nice interview. I sincerely hope you develop the habits you’ve listed because they are so true. When you start doing them, things change and you’ll find yourself writing more and going the entire distance.
All the best.
Shalom aleichem,
Pat G
Thank you so much.
All the best to you too.