Live Chat Opportunity With Holly Lisle–Q & A Making A Living Writing

LIVE: Holly Lisle answers questions about writing for a living

This is not another pitch to buy Holly Lisle courses.  This is a real live chat Webinar, Question and Answer session, with Holly about writing for a living.  If you have any questions go HERE , before NOON ET, Wednesday, March 4, 2015 and submit them.   Don’t miss this opportunity to ask any writing questions you have about writing for a living.

If you can’t make the live chat, good news is that she will post the live chat on YouTube, about an hour after they finish.  Working or unavailable for the chat?  You can still submit your questions and get answers and then watch, after the fact,  on Youtube.   She will post a link to the video, when it goes live that you can get.


“I’m taking questions and discussing the ins and outs of writing for a living tomorrow in a live chat.


And I promise to give you real, right-there-live-in-the-chat answers to your questions, not just a hundred variations on “Take the course.” I wouldn’t waste your time OR mine like that.

I’ll be online in my webinar room from 1:00 PM ET tomorrow until. I’ll be answering any questions you have about writing for a living, how you can get there, and how I can help you get there.


1:00 PM UNTIL?


That’s “Until you run out of questions, or I run out of energy.”


You need to ask your questions here BEFORE 12 Noon Wed. 4th, (tomorrow) so I have time to print them off and have them for the chat:”


If you have any questions go HERE , before NOON ET, Wednesday, March 4, 2015 and submit them.   Don’t miss this opportunity to ask any writing questions you have about writing for a living.

LIVE: Holly Lisle answers questions about writing for a living

I am also a BIG FAN of Holly Lisle’s fiction.  I recommend those too. She has published over 30 novels in her career traditionally and self-publishing making her living at it, since 1992.

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