Links! Tools, Gadgets & Software for Writers

photo credit: Kalexanderson via photopin cc
Links I used and recommend. Many are free or very reasonably priced, a lot are shareware, check the link to be sure.
- HOLLY LISLE WRITING COURSES highly recommended & used by ME Holly Lisle is the only link that I am an affiliate (see disclosures top menu)
Udemy Courses
- How To Plan & Outline Your Novel Using Scrivener by SEAN PLATT, JOHNNY B. TRUANT, AND DAVID W. WRIGHT (the Smarter Artist team) are the co-hosts of the top-ratedSelf-Publishing Podcast and the co-authors of the #1 Marketing bestsellerWrite. Publish. Repeat: The No-Luck-Required Guide to Self-Publishing Success. Sean is also the author ofWriting Online, the writing how-to that has helped thousands of writers. Together the trio have published well over 4 million words of popular fiction. READ MORE HEREWriter’s Digest Courses & Tutorial’s
- Writer’s Digest University
- Writer’s Digest Tutorials
- This is a Writer’s Digest Tutorial Engaging Your Readers Through Emotion and Description that I am interested in taking.
Tools & Gadgets
- Linky Tools v2.0 Having a blog hop or something you want people to signup to participate? Expecting possibly a large response or at least hoping? Want to save time compiling and coding the link list? This is a great tool for a very small subscription fee. Your visitors that want to participate or signup click on one link, add info and there names are automatically added to the list. Once in the list once you click on the name they entered you go straight to their blog.
- Cheat Sheets for Writers
- If you like this free app, and would like to try it out, you can find it here Mood Writing Progress Meter
- Critique Circle Writer Tools
- Hiveword online fiction organizer tool
- Custom Calender Printable Around the World
- Barbecue PC Desk Top progress monitor shareware Easily generate progress bars related to just about anything on your desktop.
- Write to Die2 Time Your Writing with funny alarms. Make that NaNo project, and shut your internal editor up Brought to you by Dr. Wicked, Write or Die 2 is a procrastination killer designed to help a writer focus on a task with either fear or reward tactics. Run with Windows, Mac, and Linus, this app has several terrifying consequences for if it detects its author not writing and lazing off to procrastinate. Here are some of the things you can expect procrastinators downloading the app to face:
- Mobysaurus Thesaurus Free download
- Mobysaurus Thesaurus product site, other shareware Mobysaurus Thesaurus is a free, comprehensive (over 30,000 headwords and 2,500,000 synonyms), feature-rich, easy-to-use, off-line English thesaurus that helps you write and speak better by leading you to the right word for every purpose or occasion. Version 1.0.55 may include unspecified updates, enhancements, or bug fixes.
- About Omm Writer This is inspirational software to help you get in the mood, and promote concentration. It has sounds effects and visuals, while you write. It is a tool to encourage you to write. Writer’s block? Ideas lagging, try this inspirational tool.
- WHAT OMM WRITER HAS TO SAY ABOUT THEIR PRODUCT OmmWriter emerged as an internal tool to help transport us away from the humdrum noise; allowing us to be at one with ourselves and our ideas. All said and done, after having created something so valuable, we figured that OmmWriter was just too good to keep to ourselves.
- Oh, and if by using OmmWriter, you stumble across a good idea, do us a favor. Have a beer on us, or send us a message and tell us what you think about it. We’d love to hear from you. Omm Writer download
Software For Writers
- AEON Timeline software for writers Aeon can also be import into your Scrivener project.
- Scrivener & Scrapple software trail versions for writers Scrivener is a powerful content-generation tool for writers that allows you to concentrate on composing and structuring long and difficult documents. While it gives you complete control of the formatting, its focus is on helping you get to the end of that awkward first draft.
- ~IMHO The best writer software ever. Learning to use it changed my writing fun & project building.
- Scrapple is an easy-to-use tool for getting ideas down as quickly as possible and making connections between them. Mind-mapping software.
- LEARN SCRIVENER FAST —I own the Ninja access from Scrivener Coach The Scrivener Coach Also recommended to me for learning Scrivener Gwen Hernandez Scrivener Expert Courses
- yWriter See this author’s K. M. Weiland’s tutorial on a FREE writing software yWriter yWriter is a word processor, which breaks your novel into chapters and scenes, helping you keep track of your work while leaving your mind free to create. It will not write your novel for you, suggest plot ideas or perform creative tasks of any kind. yWriter was designed by an author, not a salesman!
- Word Menu Dictionary Word Menu At a Glance—Word reference software for any kind of writing—Organizes words visually by subject matter for quick reference—Helps you find the right word exactly when you need it
- 4D Outline Software for your writing An Outliner on steroids with a timeline view & element tracking
- Snowflake Pro software, The Snowflake method of designing a novel by Randy Ingermanson “The Snowflake Guy” The Snowflake method has ten steps that include a high-concept story idea, a Three-Act Structure, a detailed character analysis, a synopsis, a scene list, and more. That’s some serious thinking you need to do.
Editing, Marketing, Publishing & Book Covers
- Silver Jay Media Editing services Excellent for those who intend to self-publish. Writing something is hard work. Writing something good is even harder, so take a look what the Silver Jay can offer to help you get from first draft to published in no time! Affordable pricing, Excellent service.
- BookBiz.com E-Book Professional looking Formatting
- I discovered this tool through this blog by K. M. Weiland. The Ultimate Guide To Writing Your Manifesto
- E-BOOK COVERS “The Author’s Secret”
- WHAT YOU NEED TO KNOW-When you can share photos? When you use photos from the internet (or other sources) you need to be very careful not to plagiarize them. Read more about it at these links to make sure you are not in violation and understand which can be legally used. Creative Commons-meaning they can be shared and use free of charge to public with author having released some rights and waived others, Public Domain–meaning rights, have expired, Fair Use-meaning limited use of copyright material, Copyright–meaning creator has exclusive use and you cannot use without permission requiring purchase of use from the author.
- An alternative thought on using images On Visually
- Generally I tend to use creative commons license,public domain, or purchase rights from a site like bigstockphotos.com for use on my blog.
- BIGSTOCKPHOTOS. com Photos to use on your website, not free, but reasonable
- Photopin.com a lot of free to use as long as you include photo credits
- MorgueFile.com photos free to use and links to other photo sites. Check above list for terms you need to know for photo use to keep it legal.
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Dana, Thank you for the article. It was insightful. I enjoyed your site too. Nice blog.
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Your welcome. I love your blog. You are very helpful on this writing journey. You give some great advice and insights. Thank you.