My definition of success in general, not really as a writer per say.
Stable income that allows me to take care of needs and necessities/emergencies, while traveling, writing, and some fun entertainment. Finding many moments of JOY in life that makes life worth living, inspires you to keep moving over the irritations, frustrations, loss, tragedies, and
A perk would be if I earned enough to live the writer’s life per say, but that is not the only way for me to feel successful, if I can meet the other. Always chasing hope, and riding it as long as I can hang on.
Having quality people in my life that inspire, encourage, and share who they are without tearing me down to do it. Sharing the fun and joy, and laughing through the heartache and trials, so when I look back, I can say it has not been easy, but it has been fun. It was a good life.
Being part of a community, family and friends where people matter to them, sharing goals and lives, lots of laughter, where fun is free, shared, and relaxed without over the top pressure. There is nothing in the world like shared joviality and camaraderie.
I desire truth of existence, and genuine love and/or admiration that leaves memories long after I am gone. Engendering and earning respect without demand and destroying hope that is as fragile as fine blown glass, and as elusive as a unicorn.
To love and be loved, to laugh and make laugh, to see the world around me its wonder and its horror gaining inspiration in both, and growth in the living of it. I want to live in hope knowing life will get better, even when it does not feel like it.
Do I want nice things? Yes, I do, but the above will bring that too in my definition of success.
My writing. Success is knowing, that I have written a good story. A quality story. A story with character and plot. A fun and enjoyable read. The benefit is if it inspires, teaches something, or just make someone happy having read it, and want to read more. I am not
out to change the world, or be a J.K. Rowling, not saying I would not like it, just I do not necessarily aspire to it, nor expect it will happen. Finding people who like my stories and want to read them, not because they are the best prose in the world, but because they share something in common with me that they find in my stories. I strive to become a
good storyteller or bard. That would be a success. Making a living at it would be a benefit or reward.

by © Juneta Ke

I love this. I talk about success a lot. People think that it has to do with money, but it really doesn’t. I think success can be achieving a goal, doing something new that you wanted to, and having support in your endeavors. As writers, we always want to strive for the best and be successful financially, but just having positivity and love around me is success enough.
Thank you. Yeah, money is only the focus, because living period on any level requires it. For me it is more about ease, stability, and all the things you named. Especially laughter and fun, if I lack those in my life, it gets a lot tougher. Writing is my joy, my play, my pretend, a companion in some ways like reading, and I am going to do it no matter may come or go around me, but paired with the rest I would call it living the good life.
Amen to that! I agree with you,
I always love hearing from Ksytol. You make me smile. It’s nice to find kindred spirits.
Thank you! We have to sitck together.