Death Hires A Writer
(These are not stories in this series, but visitation with Death as my muse and our version of an interview.)
Posting early for the 3rd Monday of the Month.
I was working on my BIO again and came up with this. I decided to make it, it’s own post. This was me having fun and playing around.
That’s When I Got The Call…
…Death wanted to make an appointment and he needed my services for locating a lost Reaper. He offered me a large retainer for my magic pen. The whole time I’m thinking, Death pays as he goes?
We met in my dreams. He wrote me a check and laid it on my desk. I eyeballed it still skeptical about this meeting. The business name on it was Offices of Mortality, Chaos & Conflict and he had signed it, DEATH. That gave me a bit of a chill.
I caught myself leaning forward as I listened to him. He explained the situation in great detail. Who knew Death had such a sexy voice? He did. Obviously! He was using it quite effectively on me. He offered to be my muse. I admit, my heart skipped a beat, not sure if it was from apprehension, fear or some bizarre attraction.
He pulled the save the universe card on me. He said if I didn’t help that annihilation was humanity’s destiny. All life in the known universe would return to primordial soup. I didn’t respond at first, so he switched to bribery telling me this was my chance to discover the meaning of life and death, to defeat demons, hang out with angels and save humanity. He even offered me an angelic job in the hereafter, but I’m no hero. I’m just a writer. That’s what I told him. He said no you’re a storyteller, creator of worlds and builder of destinies. You are a fate-maker. We need you to weave our story. I beamed rolling the words around in my head. Death called me a fate-maker.
Well, I am sure you can figure out what happen next. You guessed it. Flattery did it. He hooked me. Besides, who could really say no to Death the Fourth Horseman of the Apocalypse? I took the job.
Apocalypse, Signed, Sealed & Delivered: Episode I

photo credit: Bonsoir monsieur, pour aller à Denfert, je change où ? Euh… via photopin (license)
Ha, ha, this is great. I can’t imagine telling death no. I wouldn’t want to think what might have happened if you had.
No Kidding! LOL. Thank you.
Death seems unlikely to take no for an answer, I’m thinking. I wouldn’t say no either. Flattery or no flattery. Great piece, Juneta!
Thank you. My thinking too, lol.
Great voice/writing. I could hear that old school detective “noir” voice.
I have two edits: “Humanity’s destiny,” and “so he switched” you’re missing the ed.
Well done.
Thanks for all the visits and comments on my blog during the challenge!
Thank you so much, Mary. I value your input. I admire your writing and your advice. I’m thrilled, too, you take the time to tell me. 😉 grumbles I always miss “ed” endings especially when the writing flows and then read back to self with the “ed” there whether is or it ain’t.
I love the “noir” sound. I am glad I captured it. I’m tickled because that flowed naturally for me.
Thanks too for eyeing my writing with the corrections. No matter how many times I’ve gone over it I always miss something, and like this above, some things my brain develops tunnel vision about. Go figure.
Thank you, Thank you!
You’re welcome
Love it and the sites look (lately). Both are a matched set. 🙂
Anna from elements of emaginette
Thank you, Anna, for saying that about the site. I have been working hard to define in a way that reflects my writing as whole since I will be writing different types of things, but mostly fantasy, paranormal fantasy and space opera with touches of Gothic, steampunk & sf-fantasy well and a little and mystery and romance here and there.
I want people to enjoy the look and feel like they are in the right place with posts and my goals all in the same vain and perceivable I appreciate your visits.
Pay as you go shows great sense of financial planning. Have to think about Death in this context. And, of course, you must take the gig. No choice.
LOL, yeah Death’s methodical like that. Agreed. It’s a heavy job, but somebody’s got to do. Thank you for all your great comments and encouragement.
Love to visit your place! It’s interesting here. Can’t remember if I signed up for your Gazette, so will try again.
Thank you . I enjoy visiting your site too.
I love this! It’s very noir-detective-y. Good voice. Are you going to write more?
Yes, I have been working on this series for a while. You have probably heard me speak of it on the forums as The Blade of Eden or Apocalypse, Signed, Sealed & Delivered. I am working on it in April Camp NaNoWriMo this month. This little ditty was just me and my muse playing around, but I might write in that vein too. I am happy you liked it.
Well, we don’t want the universe annihilated! Thanks for taking the job.
LOL, You’re Welcome! When Death talks you tend to listen.