“Cling To God”, New Daily Devotional by Lynda R Young
I’d like to welcome Lynda Young to Writer’s Gambit today. She just released a new book, a devotional, called “Cling To God”. She is a speculative fiction author, blogger, and has extensive experience in digital arts.
Welcome Lynda, I am so happy to have in my Author Spotlight.
What was the inspiration that inspired you to write this little book?
Ultimately God was the inspiration behind writing my devotional, Cling to God. He gave me a spirit that needs to understand things, and the way I understand things is to pull them apart, study them, write down thoughts, then share what I learned. The Christian life is meant to be fully understood to be fully engaged in and fully enjoyed. Looking back, it seems now that it was inevitable I’d write a devotional.
What was the most significant thing you learned while writing for you personally? Your take away in your own personal growth as a writer or person.
The most significant truth I discovered about myself is that it’s okay not to be perfect—it’s why we need God—but a whole lot of satisfaction and contentment can be found through doing my best.
You have a long list of creative skills, tell us about them?
I surprise myself when I list my creative outlets. There is, of course, writing and freelance editing, but there’s also digital art—both 2D and 3D. On the occasion I’ll dip into traditional art, for example, painting with oils, acrylics, and watercolors, or drawing with inks. I also work in game design and development, which includes puzzle making, animation, narration design and music composition. On top of that I love photography, my favorite being macro photography—super close-ups of nature.
You just made a major move recently. How do you like where you live now? Have you established a writing routine or place?
I lived my whole life in Sydney but moved to a much warmer clime in Brisbane. I love the new location despite the heat. Yay for air-conditioning! Yay also for no more weeding or fixing an old house. Instead I have a spectacular view. I haven’t yet established a writing routine, but the place where I’ll do most of my writing is slowly coming together.
What are your future plans writing wise?
My future plans for writing will be a little out of the box—at least, for me. I will be co-authoring a science fiction with my brother. While I love sci-fi and have written sci-fi before in the form of short stories (published in various places) and a novel (not yet released), I’ve always kept it light and in the Young Adult market. My brother has more of a technical approach to science fiction with higher concepts. It will be a challenge, but one, I hope, that will be hugely rewarding.
Thank you for having me Juneta.
Don’t forget, Cling to God can be purchased through these outlets: Amazon Kindle, Amazon Paperback, Nook, B&N, Kobo, iTunes. It would make a wonderful Christmas present too.

Lynda R Young writes devotionals, articles, and speculative short stories. In her spare time she is also an editor, game developer, artist, and dabbles in photography and all things creative. She lives in Australia with her sweetheart of a husband. You can find her here:
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Thanks for hosting Lynda, Juneta. Appreciate you sharing the interview.
It’s great to learn more about you, Lynda. Best wishes on the project with your brother!
Thanks, Karen!
Congrats Lynda and I can’t wait to see the sci-fi novel you write with your brother.
Thanks, Sheena-kay. Hopefully it won’t be a long wait even though I’m still in the outlining stage (the slowest stage for me).
You’re very inspiring, Lyn. Your accomplishments and credentials are outstanding. Congratulations on CTG. Best of success.
You made me blush, Joylene. Thanks for your kind words.
Yay for Lyn! Loved the interview. Sci-fi, eh? I’m excited to see the end product. Quite excited.
Ha, thanks, Crystal.
Thank you, Juneta, for sharing this interview with your followers. Lynda, it was wonderful to learn of your inspiration for your new devotional. Good for you moving to a smaller place. My husband and I are talking about doing that after all the children move out–if they ever do! All the best, ladies.
I highly recommend it. It’s a lot of work and a little stress to downsize, but so liberating.
It was nice to read about the inspiration behind your book ‘Cling To God.’ Looking forward to reading the book you will co-author with your brother!
Thanks, Rachna.
Wonderful interview! Good luck on co-authoring with your brother, Lynda. It will be a great adventure!
A huge adventure! Gotta love that.
What a lovely interview. Thank you, both!!
Thanks, Nicola. Juneta came up with some great questions!
Hi Juneta! Hi Lyn! A lovely interview. I’m glad you’re not regretting your move to Brisbane, Lyn. Hope we can catch up soon!
Not regretting my move to Brisbane. Not even a little.
Thank you so much for having me, Juneta!! It was lots of fun.
I’m so tickled to have in my spotlight. Wishing you much success. It was fun. Thank you.