Midlife Ghostwalker: Katje Storm: A Serialized Short Form on Medium.

Midlife Ghostwalker: Katje Storm
- 150 Word Short Form Serialization on Medium.
- An Experiment in outlining and storytelling.
- Midlife Crisis Trope
- Genre: Paranormal Women’s Fiction
I just turned forty, plus I just filed for divorce from my cheating soon-to-be ex-husband, but if that is not bad enough, he murdered me. I didn’t stay dead. Turns out I’m magical, a ghostwalker with a destiny I had no clue about.
Read my serialized story on Medium.
I recently learned if you are reading short form stories you do not need a friend link you can read as many short forms behind the payway as you want to without subscribing. Just click the linK above and start reading. As of June 10th, 2022 I am up to episode thirty. E1-30.
An Experiment In Short Form: What is Medium Short Form?
Medium has introduce a new format. 150 word stories for readers who want bite-size reads. Those 150 words include title, subtitle, photo credits, and link words.
The challenge for me is to tell a novel size story in episodes 150 words a pop. I invite you to come on the journey with me and read, comment, tell me how I am doing. Are you engaged? Does the story excite you? Are you having fun? The experience for me is to create rough draft (outline) of a novel, world build, in bites bits for a short form serialization. Its experiment to later be enlarged into a novel.
Here is what Medium says about their short form requirements.
About my Midlife Ghostwalker on Medium.
My Publishing Timeline
My goal is to publish an episode a week on Medium, but more often if I can manage it in my schedule.
Would you like to support me on Medium?
If you use my Medium Referral link I will get $2.27 of the $5.00 monthly subscription fee you pay to Medium. I earn money when subscribers read my stories on the Medium site, unfortunately reading via email subscription or mobile app, or not clicking into the full story to read does not count. This info provide for your FYI, and thank you for reading me in any shape, form, or platform.
Not A Member of Medium? You can still read.
If you are not a member of Medium, I don’t earn money, but you can still read my serialization short form stories free by using my Friend Links down below. If you use the friend link you do not have to sign up for Medium to read or subscribe. I recently learned that you do not need friend link to read short form, those or unlimited reads whether you subscribe or not.
If you have a free account, you can read 3 stories behind the paywall every month free. If the story is not behind the paywall you can read free by signing up for their free account, which means you can read any story not behind the paywall and up to three each month behind the paywall. (FYI my stories are all behind the paywall.)
If you decide to subscribe, the $5.00 a month allow you unlimited and unrestricted reading on Medium.
Read Some Of My Other Fiction Free On My Website
Fiction you can read free on my website here. Some of these stories are also on Medium behind the paywall but you can read total free here on junetakey.com. If you have a problem shoot me an email.
👀Want to stay-Up-To-Date with my writing and projects? Get my flash fiction story “The Boon” for being part of my TRIBE!

May 16, 2022 @ 20:09
I haven’t spent much time on Medium. I’m slow to new habits, I guess. Best of luck with it!
May 16, 2022 @ 10:31
Thank you for sharing this 🙂 Very interesting.
May 16, 2022 @ 11:17
Thank you for visiting.
May 16, 2022 @ 10:16
Thanks, now I understand better what Medium is.
May 16, 2022 @ 11:17
Well this is new, but Medium is a blogging platform with audience of millions. Fiction is not a big focus there but stuff like that is growing. Spiller writers (memoir) and nonfiction and essay writers do really well on Medium and certain topic writers.