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Juneta is a native Texan living in Central Florida. She loves hanging out with pirates, playing with dolphins, and entertaining grumpy old gods by story spinning, tale weaving, fate making, world-creating, mythology bending, star mapping, journey planning, fortune-telling with the power of words.
She loves jet skiing in the ocean when opportunity presents seeing huge turtles and star fish swimming right under her feet. She lives for sunset cruises with live bands as they sail the night away with eclectic music styles from raga, alterative, rock and roll, or a little bit country she loves jamming on the sea.
Storytelling has always been part of her world. She has been a reader practically since birth. She has no memories without books, starting with the ones her mama read to her, which Juneta memorized and read back to her.
Telling stories came naturally in some respects, because she was so entranced in books and later movies, but she did not start writings her own stories down until her twenties. That was when the love of the craft of storytelling was really born.
“We are all apprentices in a craft where no one ever becomes a master.” ― Ernest Hemingway, The Wild Years
Later she happened upon Star Wars roleplay online in writing type forums, such as Yahoo Groups around 1999. That is when she decided she wanted to try to write books. She began to pursue this as a career around 2011, when she created her first website built around her writing. It has morphed and changed over time, and probably will continue to do so.
For twenty-three years, she worked as a 911 Emergency Dispatcher for Police/Fire/EMT in another life. It taught her to listen and to hear things that were not always said and maybe not always seen. Since 2021, she has worked full time in the writing industry for Ninja Writers LLC and perfecting her artistry in storytelling via her own pursuits.

New Series Coming 2025!
Midlife Crisis Trope
Genre: Paranormal Women’s Fiction
(Minu Blurb)
I turned 40, filed for divorce from my cheating soon-to-be ex-husband, if that is not bad enough, he MURDERED me. I didn’t stay dead. I’m magical with a destiny. Who knew? Not me!
I have seen ghosts all my life, mostly I ignored them. I thought everyone one saw them, but I live in a magical world I could not see before I died. Now I can’t unsee it. I am a ghostwalker. I have no idea what a ghostwalk is or does, but the dead and the magical do. The dead gave me a guide and teacher to help me figure it out, and the magical community just wants to hire me or use me.
In the human world I am an orphan, a procrastinator, and just can’t get my shit together. I have stayed in a marriage for ten years despite the fact I should have left after the first year. He comes from a big family. I so wanted to be part of that so I hung on. I should have faced the fact they will never love and accept me.
When I caught my husband in bed with another woman — in our house! Well, I was done. Ok I admit, I had suspected he cheated over the years, but in my face? I finally had enough and left filing for divorce.
I am not even sure it was the cheating that did it, but it was the last straw of disrespect I was willing to accept.
I’m tired of being seen as a doormat, people pleaser, the needy orphan in need of love and acceptance, and taken for granted — by everyone! It is time I demanded some respect, and apparently the universe decided to help me with that, along with Shamus, my cheating husband.
This short form experiment was an outline for a novel, which I will begin writing on Nov. 1st, in NaNoWriMo 2022. Wahoo I WON November NaNo 2022! Editing commences. Read the outline of the experiment that started the series free when you FOLLOW ME on Ream..
This book is currently in production expanding, revising, and editing for book length releasing in 2025. There are three to six books planned for this series.
Read the 1st Chapter of Midlife Ghostwalker Book One (rough draft) FREE here.
Available on Amazon!
Magic Born or Magic Cursed?
Short Fantasy Collection .99 on Amazon.
A bind-up of my Moon Hollow stories with one new, never-before-published story in this collection. Short origin stories to the upcoming series Magic Born or Magic Cursed?
Atlantis has risen! Cataclysmic events reshape the globe and a new world order emerges. Magic once hidden is released back into the world. The magical Isle of Moon Hollow is no longer just an ordinary seafaring community.
Discover how the residents of Moon Hollow overcome their trials and tribulations.
Coming Soon, Newsletter Subscribers Only!
The new story, Remi and Smoak, coupled with Poseidon’s Island begin Moon Hollow’s serialized origin story. Keep on the lookout for Parts 3 and 4, coming soon for my newsletter subscribers only!” Find it on Amazon for . 99!

“It’s impossible, said pride, it’s risky, said experience, it’s pointless, said reason,
give it a try, whispered the heart.” ~Unknown
Juneta is a Texan now living in Florida.
She has always wanted to live some place tropical.
Juneta WRITES SPECULATIVE FICTION that is Evocative, Mythic, a little Magical, Adventurous, and somewhat Humorous!
Come Explore Her Worlds.
She loves writing about Grumpy Old Gods, Space Opera, Paranormal Women’s Fiction & Sci-Fi Fantasy adventure, mysteries, and romance with all the complexity of human nature mixed in, whether human or non-human, mage, mystic or pilot. Stories that involve the mythology born of living and the shadows that make us all heroes, anti-heroes, villains, and poets.
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