IWSG SEPTEMBER 6, 2017 I Wrote That?
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Insecure Writer’s Support Group
Ninja Captain Alex J. Cavanaugh
Writer’s supporting, encouraging and learning from each other. Post on your own blog about your struggles, your triumphs, and your successes. Talk about your works in progress the good, the bad and the ugly or some other writing relating topic on your mind. Read others, interact, comment, and grow within this wonderful author community. Every month there is an optional question for those who may need help figuring out what to post about.
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On Wednesday, October 4(IWSG Day), post a photo of yourself (or your alter ego) with any of the IWSG swag or with the IWSG logo. Then leave a comment that day at either the IWSG website’s post or the IWSG Facebook post directing us to your photo. (All blog, Facebook, Goodreads, and newsletter members welcome, but the photo must be posted on a blog or Facebook to qualify.)[/themify_box]
[themify_box style=”orange announcement”]The next anthology contest is coming! All details will be posted at the IWSG website on September 6th![/themify_box]
Check the Insecure Writer’s Support Group BLOG and Sign Up for the Newsletter
[themify_box style=”orange comment”]OPTIONAL IWSG Day Question: Have you ever surprised yourself with your writing? (For example, by trying a new genre you didn’t think you’d be comfortable in?)[/themify_box]
I often hit bumps and step away from something I am writing, thinking, this is total crap. I have found when I go back later, OFTEN, it is better than I thought when I was so frustrated. Why did I think it was total crap? I am delighted and surprised there are things I can use, even surprising elements that still work. Not saying I think it’s great or really good, but a lot better than I had first thought when I was ready to throw in the towel.
In fact, recently, I went back to an original idea and was pleased with how much work I had already put in that was usable. Some other me must have written that except I remember writing it.
Still fear plagues me on the final results or even if I can get to that last point – published. I MUST get that first published book behind me so I can start obsessing and bugging out about the next one and jump deeper into marketing. Learning, practicing forever… Write, Publish, Repeat, yeah! I am still writing. #amwriting
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One of the several characters that I have written that surprised me and he is not the MC in the story I am working on.
Starlight Space Saga
Fringe Science, A Galaxy Oppressed, Family Secrets, One Man’s Fight to Make A Difference.
WIP Bloodlines: Ghost Pirate
From the Starlight Galaxy, a secondary character, Captain Arik Kestrel
[themify_box style=”orange announcement”]NEW RELEASE BY ADVENTURE FANTASY AUTHOR S. R. OLSON DROP OF WATER
Episode 2 in the series
SEPTEMBER 23, 2017 [/themify_box]
Quest of the Guardians Official Website
The Official Quest of the Guardians Trading Post!
[themify_box style=”orange announcement”]SEPTEMBER IWSG Author Spotlight is on Misha Gerrick. August Spotlight Author’s highlighted in September’s Feature Spotlights for IWSG. [/themify_box]
Misha Gerrick Fantasy Author (A Writer’s Journey) – The Vanished Knight Book 1 by M Gerrick
September 15, 2017 @ 08:58
I love when you read back through your work and find how much you like it, even love it Those surprises are always nice.
September 10, 2017 @ 04:35
Oh, I know what you mean. I’m halfway through a masters program in creative writing, and each time I submit work to my mentor, I feel like write a letter of apology to go with it. Invariably, the feedback I get includes something like, “I know you said this was a stinking dumpster fire, but there’s a lot of good stuff in it.” What happens in our brains that interferes with our abilities to see our own work as objectively as we are able to see others’ works? In any case, thanks for the post, and happy writing to you. 🙂
Elena Giorgi
September 9, 2017 @ 16:16
Keep pushing, Juneta, your writing is beautiful! Also, I love the new look of your website. Hugs!
September 8, 2017 @ 17:46
I’m glad you didn’t give up. That, to me, is the byword of being an author, stickability. If you’ve got that, you can do anything in this business. Sky’s the limit. Keep going, and keep believing in yourself as a writer. I’m a fantasy/spec fiction author, also. 🙂
Toi Thomas
September 7, 2017 @ 18:08
Thank you so much for stopping by my blog.
I think that when that fear goes away, you’ve lost something. We don’t want fear to cripple us, but a little bit is good. It keeps us honest and growing.
Love how you pack so much into these posts.
Victoria Marie Lees
September 7, 2017 @ 11:36
Fear never goes away for the writer. We need to breathe and continue writing and submitting. But it’s tough! Bravo to you to pick up your work and continue. All best, Juneta!
S.A. Larsen
September 7, 2017 @ 08:07
I really love the idea of an IWSG spirit day. Such fun and a way to bring folks together! I agree about stepping away from something you’ve written and giving it time to peculate. Space is important. Gives us clarity.
Julie Flanders
September 7, 2017 @ 06:29
I always cringe when I start to revise or edit because I’m so sure everything I’ve written is going to be total crap. Such a welcome surprise when it turns out differently. Yay for you! 🙂
Madeline Mora-Summonte
September 7, 2017 @ 05:41
Learning and practicing our craft forever! You know it. 🙂
Yvonne V
September 7, 2017 @ 04:51
It is always interesting how the passage of time changes our perspective — in writing, and other things, too.
Lynda R Young
September 6, 2017 @ 22:56
I don’t think that fear ever goes away, but that’s why we get surprises when it turns out our writing wasn’t so bad after all.
MPax (@mpax1)
September 6, 2017 @ 18:00
I go through the ‘this totally sucks’ phase with every book. It surprises me every time how the story come together in the end.
September 6, 2017 @ 17:19
I’m rewriting an old short story and I’m amazed what was still usable in it.
September 6, 2017 @ 16:26
It’s so easy for us to think our stories are total crap in the moment. I’ve often surprised myself when I’ve gone back to them, too. 🙂
Olga Godim
September 6, 2017 @ 15:20
I think you should trust yourself and believe in yourself. Always. If not you then who? That inner critic that sits behind your shoulder and whispers criticisms in your ear is a nasty creature. Get rid of it.
September 6, 2017 @ 15:03
I have about 30,000 words of crap posing as a historical cozy sitting in a drawer right now. I know I wrote it, but I can’t help wondering what kind of drugs I must have been on when I did it. OTOH, I have other bits and pieces that make me smile – at least the ideas are good enough to keep in my slush pile. I just remind myself that it is all part of the process.
C.D. Gallant-King
September 6, 2017 @ 13:14
Usually I have the opposite experience. I think it’s pretty good when I’m writing it, but then go back to it later and yell “What the hell was I thinking???”
IWSG September
September 6, 2017 @ 12:01
I wonder if it has something to do with the day I go back and review what I wrote. Like if I go back one day, I’ll hate it, but on another day, I’ll be in love with it.
J.S. Pailly
September 6, 2017 @ 10:34
I’ve had that experience a few times, where something I wrote turns out to be better than I initially thought. Unfortunately I’ve also had the opposite experience: I write something I think is great, and then a day or two passes and I suddenly see all the flaws in it. I guess it’s just hard to be objective about your own work until you’ve had some time away from it.
Reprobate Typewriter
September 6, 2017 @ 10:09
That feeling is the best, I know exactly what you mean.
I’m not totally sure where everybody is, right now, but stay safe in the storm, girl. No unnecessary risks.
September 6, 2017 @ 10:03
I have to admit I found it difficult to find where I could leave a comment. I finally scrolll down and found it. However, there are times when I think I have written something that is not good and I have submitted it and won contests! This world of writing.
Shalom aleichem,
Patricia Everything Must Change
Christine Rains (@CRainsWriter)
September 6, 2017 @ 09:55
I love moments like that! We are the hardest on ourselves after all.
Jacqui Murray
September 6, 2017 @ 09:47
I’ve had exactly the same feeling at times. I wish I was as good as what I’m reading and how did that roll out! Good post, Juneta.
Loni Townsend
September 6, 2017 @ 08:35
Woot for finding that you like your stuff. 🙂 That’s always a good feeling. Sometimes a breather is all you need.
Shah Wharton
September 6, 2017 @ 08:00
I removed my urban fantasy series because ‘it wasn’t good enough’ but I feel like nothing I write is good enough. The best we can do is look forward and, to the best of our ability, attempt to improve.
Alex and Juneta–looks like you’re doing very well out of ‘not being very good!’ 🙂
September 6, 2017 @ 07:53
You’ll get published. I have no doubt about it. 🙂
Anna from elements of emaginette
Erika Beebe
September 6, 2017 @ 02:51
What a great reflection. I do think distance is important. It can also help reshape a few original thoughts that might not be so great and we once thought they were. I wish you much luck as you continue to follow your writing journey 🙂
Alex J. Cavanaugh (@AlexJCavanaugh)
September 5, 2017 @ 16:13
I have work that I look back on and still wonder who on earth wrote that? I’m not that good.
September 5, 2017 @ 18:13
I’m not that good either, just saying it was not as bad as had believed it to be when stopped writing it. Still needs lots of work but is workable. LOL. It’s an odd feeling isn’t it?