#IWSG October 6th: Drawing Lines As A Writer?
IWSG October 6th: Drawing Lines As A Writer?
Insecure Writer’s Support Group—A database resource site and support group for writers and authors. Featuring weekly guests and tips, a monthly blogfest gathering, a Facebook group, a book club, and thousands of links–all to benefit writers! #IWSG Website / Facebook Group / Twitter / Book Club Reedsy Discount / Past Issues Fast Five Free Gift–Mobi / Epub / Pdf Purpose: To share and encourage. Writers can express doubts and concerns without fear of appearing foolish or weak. Those who have been through the fire can offer help and guidance. It’s a safe-haven for insecure writers of all kinds! Posting: The first Wednesday of every month is officially Insecure Writer’s Support Group day. Post your thoughts on your own blog. Talk about your doubts and the fears you have conquered. Discuss your struggles and triumphs. Offer a word of encouragement for others who are struggling. Visit others in the group and connect with your fellow writer—aim for a dozen new people each time—and return comments. This group is all about connecting! Be sure to link to this page and display the badge in your post. And please be sure your avatar links back to your blog! Our Twitter handle is @TheIWSG and hashtag is #IWSG. |
IWSG October 6th: Drawing Lines As A Writer?
The awesome co-hosts for the October 6 posting of the IWSG are:
Jemima Pett,J Lenni Dorner,
Cathrina Constantine,
Ronel Janse van Vuuren, and Mary Aalgaard!
IWSG QUESTION: In your writing, where do you draw the line, with either topics or language?
I’m skipping the question. Not really sure how to interpret it overall. So! Writing is my thing, so don’t really think about it unless I am forced to do so. I am going to write what I want to write—It’s my story. Other people, to each his own, live and let live is my philosophy. I hate controversy so will not seek it out or invite it. I will stand my ground when attacked or take the high road. Thankfully, that has never happened YET as pertaining to my writing—and I pray never will.
Our Book Club Leader’s Blog: From Toi Tips to make your books findable for the team.
Fellow Book Club Moderator’s Blog: From Ronel Janse van Vurren How this benefits you!
A new direction: Member Reads IWSG BOOK CLUB ON GOODREADS
Member Spotlights
Call For Submission to Grumpy Old Fairytales
Speculative Fiction Shorts up to 4000 words.
Submission Details via above link.
Toi Thomas
November 2, 2021 @ 14:55
Sorry, I’m so late.
It’s not always easy to avoid controversy; sometimes it finds you because of your skin color, or gender, or age, or whatever someone else thinks isn’t a big deal that is a big deal to you or vice versa. Hope you never have to experience that.
Great post. Thanks for the shout-out.
November 2, 2021 @ 15:11
Well, I have had it happen, experienced it, in my personal life attacked because of size, gender, age, life choices, skin in some ways, and say something someone takes wrong or puts a twist that was far from intent and purpose of what you meant or even said really –BUT my writing so far no, but that could change in this new world consciousness we live in. My stance for now on my writing is live and let live, and I will write what I want without intent of offense or hurt toward or about others. My writing embodies love of reading, life and what it has the possibility of being.
Christine Rains
October 12, 2021 @ 09:17
You are a busy woman! I love your answer. My stories write themselves and sometimes I’m surprised at what comes out, but I do not censor them.
Patrick Hatt
October 9, 2021 @ 07:15
Write what and how one wants indeed!
Gwen Gardner
October 7, 2021 @ 23:48
Writers should write what they want. After
all, people don’t have to read it if they don’t like where it’s going. For me personally as a reader, I find bad language distracting. But a well placed F-bomb can have a powerful effect!
Julia Quay
October 7, 2021 @ 19:08
Good, gutsy answer, Juneta! I’m always wondering if I need a pen name for my stories, since I’ll always be offending someone.
Have you ever written about your 9-1-1 dispatcher days? Are you allowed to? I work in prison and am not allowed to write about it.
October 7, 2021 @ 17:00
Everyone has at least one story in them. Not that everyone writes it down. Luckily, people like us do. It makes us a wonderful community. 🙂
L. Diane Wolfe
October 7, 2021 @ 12:30
Between the IWSG and you, a lot going on.
Loni Townsend
October 7, 2021 @ 11:05
I definitely avoid controversy in my everyday life, but it depends on the controversy if I’ll approach it in writing.
Meka James
October 7, 2021 @ 10:34
I also try to avoid controversy/drama. In the Twitter circle I travel, there’s a saying “don’t be today’s main character” meaning don’t do something that will get you dragged on the platform. I do write about sensitive subjects at times, but I always try to handle it with care.
Alex J. Cavanaugh
October 7, 2021 @ 07:29
Grumpy fairytales – that will have some fun entries.
Natalie Aguirre
October 7, 2021 @ 06:36
So agree about not seeking out controversy. Thanks for sharing all the details about the book club.
Olga Godim
October 7, 2021 @ 01:50
Yeah, controversy seems always there, whether we seek it or not. Even some innocent common words suddenly become questionable. I hope this madness too will pass.
Lee Lowery
October 6, 2021 @ 22:24
These days, we certainly do not need to seek out controversy – it’s in our face everywhere.
I love the new direction of the book club. So great to be highlighting our own talented authors!
Steven Arellano Rose
October 6, 2021 @ 20:06
Third Thursday book sharing sounds neat. I might check it out.