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  1. Beth Camp
    June 6, 2020 @ 18:37

    Really nice mock cover. I made one for my current writing project (art crime mystery set in Egypt), and it inspires my story (still at the plotting and research level). You noted you felt behind in everything just now. I hope you are feeling reassured. The twin stresses of the coronavirus and the trying-to-be-peaceful demonstrations really do upset our sense of what our world is just now, but we do need hope. Your energy will see you through that long to-do list. May the coming month be a good one for you.


  2. Lori L MacLaughlin
    June 6, 2020 @ 14:07

    Love the ship on your mock cover! Congrats on your writing progress. Sounds like it will be a creepy fun read. Good luck with your courses. A two-foot Banta – wow, that’s great. Star Wars 4, 5, and 6 will always be it, for me. Love those movies.


  3. Gwen Gardner
    June 5, 2020 @ 09:01

    Hmmm. I posted a comment but it didn’t look like it went through. Anyway, you’re so busy! I love your Ghost Pirate cover. You rock!


  4. joylene
    June 4, 2020 @ 10:44

    I love your mock-up cover. I wouldn’t even attempt one. That takes talent, Juneta. And the idea of you teaching courses is fabulous. Sorry I’m late. I couldn’t get on yesterday.


  5. JQ Rose
    June 4, 2020 @ 10:23

    Oh my goodness, but you have so many irons in the fire! No wonder you have tough times juggling all of them. I’d love to create a course on life storytelling, but I just can’t get myself to focus on it. Looked into thinkific. Not familiar with Podia, but will look it up. Thanks.
    JQ Rose


  6. Loni Townsend
    June 4, 2020 @ 09:00

    Grats on all the things you’ve been accomplishing lately! That’s awesome. And I totally get the time related angst–something I know all too well myself. I hope your courses are as smashing success and you make great progress on your novel!


  7. Lynda R Young as Elle Cardy
    June 3, 2020 @ 20:59

    I’m thrilled to hear you’re writing. And I LOVE the title. Ghost Pirate. How cool!


  8. Erika Beebe
    June 3, 2020 @ 19:11

    I love the cover! Great book topic too! I love rock opera bad hadn’t thought of pirates! Star Wars has always been my first movie memory. I admit though, I was not a fan of Jar Jar Binks. My kids love him though 🙂


  9. C. Lee McKenzie
    June 3, 2020 @ 17:22

    You’re cooking, Juneta! I admire your energy and perseverance.


  10. Lynn La Vita
    June 3, 2020 @ 15:22

    I’m sure that mock cover will inspire and keep you focused. I’ve heard of writing a single descriptive sentence to stay on topic. Never thought of using a picture. Excellent idea. is a great resource.
    Wish you total success with your classes. Stay healthy.
    Lynn La Vita blog: Writers Supporting Writers


  11. Lee Lowery
    June 3, 2020 @ 13:49

    Congrats on the progress on your space opera! I love the cover – I make them for my projects for inspiration, as well. Good luck with your course development. What a great addition to your writing career!


  12. Jacqui Murray
    June 3, 2020 @ 11:48

    Best answer I’ve read, Juneta. I had trouble with this one and as I visited others, it seemed most of us did. We either didn’t want to share secrets or couldn’t come up with one worthy of sharing.

    I like your Ko-Fi button.


  13. Pat Garcia
    June 3, 2020 @ 11:38

    You have a busy schedule ahead. but it sounds like it will be something that you enjoy. Good luck with the classes.
    All the best and thanks for being a part of IWSG.

    Shalom aleichem,
    Pat G @ EverythingMustChange


  14. Anna
    June 3, 2020 @ 10:30

    I knew there was something off with Star Wars 1-3, but couldn’t put my finger on it. You nailed it. It explains why I slowly lost interest in the series.

    Anna from elements of emaginette


  15. Alex J. Cavanaugh
    June 3, 2020 @ 09:53

    You own a Banta – too cool.
    I like the sound of Starlight Galaxy: A Space Opera!


  16. Nancy Gideon
    June 3, 2020 @ 09:20

    I adore your mock up cover for Ghost Pirate. That would make me snatch it up in a heartbeat. I’m with you on the Star Wars rating. Loathed 1-3! No one will shame you for your collection (it sounds like my son’s basement room/museum of collectibles!). I envy you your ability for brevity – I need 90K+ to tell a story!


  17. Toi Thomas
    June 3, 2020 @ 08:14

    Your mock-up cover looks spooky in a good way. Sounds like a good premise.
    Your short story class also sounds good too. Can’t wait to learn more.


  18. L. Diane Wolfe
    June 3, 2020 @ 07:31

    That’s great you’re designing that course. I love the cover of Ghost Pirate – it’s very creepy. And delaying the release a bit is probably a good idea.


    • admin2
      June 3, 2020 @ 12:05

      Thank you. I did that in


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