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  1. cheriereich
    April 13, 2018 @ 09:28

    Those are some great tips. Personally I need to do less thinking and more putting down the thoughts on paper (well, the computer screen actually). Heh.


  2. jmh
    April 11, 2018 @ 01:51

    That’s the trick, isn’t it? Making ourselves get down to business when we just don’t feel like it.

    Cheese sounds like a darn good remedy to me.


  3. Natalie Aguirre
    April 8, 2018 @ 16:08

    Great tips on how to handle those dry spells. I find reading helps too.


  4. Chrys Fey
    April 8, 2018 @ 13:37

    I love the idea of the victory dance to get me writing and out of a bad mood/phase. I’ll have to try it. 🙂


  5. jlennidorner
    April 8, 2018 @ 00:02

    It can be hard to pull writing out of a slump. Yes, butt in chair is probably the best way to deal with it.


  6. Tamara Narayan
    April 6, 2018 @ 08:26

    Cheese and chocolate? Sounds like a plan.


  7. Nas
    April 4, 2018 @ 23:51

    Thanks for the advice on switching to something else and reading.


    • admin2
      April 5, 2018 @ 09:12

      You are welcome. Thanks for visiting me.


  8. Lynda R Young
    April 4, 2018 @ 23:09

    Great tips on getting back the muse. I especially like reading.


    • admin2
      April 5, 2018 @ 09:12

      Yup, reading was my first and lead to me to writing.


  9. Kalpanaa
    April 4, 2018 @ 20:56

    Your ideas all make a lot of sense Juneta and I use all or most of them – particularly cheese and chocolate – and grapes. One I forgot about but which really helps is the writing community – chatting with other writers or reading their blogs and comments. I guess this is the purpose of the IWSG and why we participate in it. Thanks for visiting my blog. I’ve signed up for your fabulous blog.


    • admin2
      April 5, 2018 @ 09:10

      You are so right community can be a HUGE one. Wonderful, looking forward to reading your story.


  10. Rebecca Douglass
    April 4, 2018 @ 20:09

    Thanks for the shout-out for Tick Tock! And I like your ideas for beating the writing slumps. Maybe I need to invent a haka to scare the writer’s block out of here! (Or a Scottish war-dance, which would be more culturally appropriate but maybe not as much fun).


    • admin2
      April 5, 2018 @ 09:09

      LOL, I like both ideas but the Scottish war-dance sounds fun.


  11. Toi Thomas
    April 4, 2018 @ 12:07

    Thanks buches for stopping by my blog. I agree, there are several things we can do keep writing, we just have to do it. Great spotlights.


    • admin2
      April 5, 2018 @ 09:08

      Thank you.


  12. Lee
    April 4, 2018 @ 11:22

    BICFOK is always the way to go. Cheese and chocolate? Absolutely!


    • admin2
      April 4, 2018 @ 11:59

      LOL, lately cheese more than chocolate.


  13. C. Lee McKenzie
    April 4, 2018 @ 10:06

    Thumbs up for “butt in chair.” And thanks for the shout out for Tick Tock: A Stitch in Time. Loved finding it here today.


    • admin2
      April 4, 2018 @ 10:12

      I was happy to feature it. It has a great cover too.


  14. Megan Morgan
    April 4, 2018 @ 09:46

    LOL those are great ideas, I’ll have to try some of them! But at the end of the day, you just have to…write!


    • admin2
      April 4, 2018 @ 09:53

      You are so RIGHT!


  15. Gwen Gardner
    April 4, 2018 @ 09:25

    Those are all excellent strategies to get the muse in gear. I haven’t done a playlist in a while. Thanks for reminding me!


    • admin2
      April 4, 2018 @ 09:52

      Your Welcome, lol.


  16. chemistken
    April 4, 2018 @ 08:34

    A good movie usually helps me. I watch the story unfold in front of me, and usually by the time the movie is over, I’m ready to rush back to my writing desk before the inspiration leaves me.


    • admin2
      April 4, 2018 @ 09:24

      A movie can inspire me too.


  17. Rhonda Strong Gilmour
    April 4, 2018 @ 08:13

    Excellent suggestions, all! I especially like your idea of dancing to shake the ideas loose.


    • admin2
      April 4, 2018 @ 09:25

      LOL, I call it dancing but its more like joyfully wiggling.


  18. authorcrystalcollier
    April 4, 2018 @ 08:13

    An excellent list of options for kicking writers block in the head! Here I was just listing my primary go to, but you’ve got a whole selection. Nice.


    • admin2
      April 4, 2018 @ 09:26

      Thank you.


  19. Christine Rains
    April 4, 2018 @ 06:51

    I look in various places for inspiration too, but in the end, just sitting and writing will push me onward.


    • admin2
      April 4, 2018 @ 09:28

      LOL, right, there really is no magic formula just inspirations and discipline. Just do it.


  20. Renee
    April 4, 2018 @ 04:40

    Mmmmm chocolate… that’s always a good way to lift the mood. 😀


    • admin2
      April 4, 2018 @ 09:32

      I need to put it on my list to buy more chocolate. lol


      • Renee
        April 5, 2018 @ 05:17

        I’ve got some… I’d share if you were closer. 😀


  21. raimeygallant
    April 3, 2018 @ 17:47

    Victory chant! I think I’m going to try that one! Nice post, Juneta!


    • admin2
      April 4, 2018 @ 09:32

      Thank you.


  22. C. Lee McKenzie
    April 3, 2018 @ 08:32

    I love your strategies for getting back onto the sunny side and writing. I haven’t tried the chanting and dancing, but I may soon.


    • admin2
      April 4, 2018 @ 09:34

      Affirmation chants. They help reprogram the thought process too to change your subconscious.


  23. emaginette
    April 3, 2018 @ 08:16

    I vote for the combo because it sound very freeing and I’m all for that. 🙂

    Anna from elements of emaginette


    • admin2
      April 4, 2018 @ 09:36

      Change is movement so the combo is my choice most days.


  24. spunkonastick
    April 3, 2018 @ 04:56

    Switching to something else can really help.

    Thank you for featuring Tick Tock.


    • admin2
      April 4, 2018 @ 09:37

      Your Welcome


  25. Alex J. Cavanaugh (@AlexJCavanaugh)
    April 1, 2018 @ 16:45

    Musical playlist – good suggestion.
    Awesome you are featuring Tick Tock!


    • admin2
      April 4, 2018 @ 09:38

      I will posting a group post soon for Tick Tock. Thanks for giving the opportunity to the participates.


  26. Jacqui Murray
    April 1, 2018 @ 08:23

    I didn’t even look at the question this month–so distracted by A to Z. Good one and good answer, Juneta.


    • admin2
      April 4, 2018 @ 09:39

      Thank you. You have had some good A to Z posts too.


  27. miladyronel
    April 1, 2018 @ 07:42

    Oh the caprice of the scheduling option… Yeah, butt in chair is the best way to just get through the hard parts in writing. Happy IWSG week 😉


    • admin2
      April 4, 2018 @ 09:51

      I have not found a schedule that works for me yet but I am still searching. Happy IWSG to you too.


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