Call For Submissions Deadline Jan. 13th, 2019
(Mock Tentative Cover & Title subject to change)
Grumpy Old Gods Anthology: Call for Submissions
Deadline: January 13th, 2019
Grumpy Old Gods: Seeking
We’re looking for stories about mythical Gods who are waning, reborn, retired, or otherwise AWOL from their assigned post.
We invite you to re-imagine old myths, mine your local retirement home for things that tickle your fancy, and invite your Muse to go wild. The only requirement is that the god or goddess in question (or whole pantheon if you so choose) must be retired, retiring, waning in power, or ignoring their responsibilities. Bonus points for good humor.
Genre: Speculative Fiction.
What is Speculative Fiction? Well, Wikipedia says… “It encompasses the genres of science fiction, fantasy, science fantasy, horror, alternative history, and magic realism.”
Words: 3000-4000
Rating: PG13-PG17
Deadline for Submissions: January 13th, 2019
Submission Format: Word Doc or PDF (No Google Docs please, but we’re willing to work with you if you need to submit in a different format, just contact us!)
Publication: March 2019
What rights are we asking for? We’re asking for the right to print the stories in the anthology, but the writers will retain everything else.
Payment: All authors who participate in the collection will receive an equal portion of the profit, paid quarterly via paypal. None of the startup costs for the book (book cover, formatting, etc…) will be deducted from the proceeds.
Submit to:
Editors: Vanessa Wells and Juneta Key.
Who we are:
Juneta Key: You know her as the woman who puts together the Storytime Blog posts. The social media skills are strong with this one.
Vanessa Wells: Self-professed short story junkie and editor of two previous anthologies Spirit and Trick or Treat.
- Yes, you can create your own god. Made up welcomed.
- Any mythology or pantheon gods okay as long as not in violation of any copyright laws or copyrights expired and it is considered part of the public domain.
- A character must somehow interact with grumpy gods (preferably an immortal character but all depends on if your story fits the theme of the anthology. Read seeking above, still unsure, email us.)
- Yes, we will consider reprints. We prefer first-run rights, but we will consider reprints.
- We are not accepting dual submissions at this time.
- If you have an idea you think fits the theme but is not outlined or a question email us at
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