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  1. Karin Larson
    April 29, 2020 @ 15:24

    Terrific interview, Beverly. I always enjoy reading about your life and books.


  2. L. Diane Wolfe
    April 29, 2020 @ 12:58

    Thank you so much for hosting Beverly and her book.

    From non-reader to author is quite a leap.


  3. Pat Garcia
    April 29, 2020 @ 07:26


    Your journey to writing is interesting. You chose to be a teacher and that path has branched out to bring you immeasurable joy as a writer. I believe your scenes are realistic when writing a YA book because of your experience with young people when you taught. I do agree that they have taught you a lot. Much of what you learned you probably didn’t realize until you started writing.
    All the best.
    Shalom aleichem,
    Pat Garcia


  4. Beverly Stowe McClure
    April 28, 2020 @ 21:23

    Thank you, Juneta, for hosting me today. You are awesome. Your blog is lovely I enjoyed looking around. (I thought I had posted, but don’t see it, so my brain must have been dreaming. Anyhow, I hope you’re doing well. Have a great week. Thanks again.


    • admin2
      April 28, 2020 @ 22:31

      You did. I had to approve the first comment and now should be fine. I have that way cause of getting spam. Hope you are having a great week too.


  5. Beverly Stowe McClure
    April 28, 2020 @ 19:54

    Thank you for hosting me today, Juneta. You have a great blog, lots of interesting information. Have a lovely week. And yes, I believe in guardian angels.


  6. Alex J. Cavanaugh
    April 28, 2020 @ 18:34

    All because of science experiments! Now you are an author.


  7. Mason Canyon
    April 28, 2020 @ 15:46

    Beverly, funny that reading was a favorite until you were older. So glad that you became a writer.

    Juneta, thanks so much for being a part of Beverly’s tour and sharing this with your readers.


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