Andrew Dunlop GOG Vol. 1 Meet The Authors #grumpyoldgods #anthology #mythology

What happens when gods wane, retire, or just decide they need a change of employment?
13 writers took up the challenge and let their imaginations run wild in this anthology that is nearly-always amusing, somewhat insightful, and completely irreverent as we imagine the gods of yore in retirement. Volume 1.
Meet The Author of For Want of a Feather
For Want of a Feather by Andrew Dunlop: When the God in charge of afterlife management goes AWOL, two intrepid (if somewhat dead) souls and a talking cat set off to find him. What they find isn’t exactly what they anticipated.
hashtag #grumpyoldgods #anthology #mythology
Grumpy Old Gods Volume 1Find out what the author of For Want of a Feather in Grumpy Old Gods Vol. 1 named his pet plant. #grumpyoldgods #anthology #mythologyCLICK TO TWEET

Andrew Dunlop
Andrew Dunlop is a writer from Oakville Ontario Canada, and writes short and novel-length fiction, as well as poetry, in the themes of humorous horror and fantasy. He lives with his very patient partner and a pet philodendron with the unlikely name of Scruffles.Still trying to make his big break in the field of fantasy fiction, he has short fiction and poetry in a handful of other anthologies, and one drink recipe book.
More of his work is available in the form of an online serial, a ‘fantasy noir’ murder mystery (and occasional additional pieces of poetry and short fiction) available at Patreon The Pooka in the Hat! as well as an ongoing audiobook recording of same available to anyone who drops by!
You can also find him on Tumblr

Scruffles pet philodendron

Tentative Release Date June 2019
We are adding an author a day to this meet the author series starting March 23-April 4th as a kick off to our launch. Grumpy Old Gods vol. 1 releasing March 30th. So be sure to check back and read about the other authors too. We have all kinds of surprises that show up randomly. Don’t miss them. You can read about the other authors HERE.