IWSG FEBRUARY 6TH: Creative Play
Twitter is @TheIWSG Hashtag: #IWSG
Ninja Captain Alex J. Cavanaugh
Writer’s supporting, encouraging and learning from each other. Post on your own blog about your struggles, your triumphs, and your successes. Talk about your works in progress the good, the bad and the ugly or some other writing relating topic on your mind. Read others, interact, comment, and grow within this wonderful author community. Every month there is an optional question for those who may need help figuring out what to post about.
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Raimey Gallant, Natalie Aguirre, CV Grehan, and Michelle Wallace!
Besides writing, what other creative outlets do you have?
Creative Outlets: I like to sketch, doodle, and color. I like to create websites and working with images. I like to make memes with quotes. I enjoy creating vision boards. I like playing at Canva.com making mock book covers. I like creating journals and trying different types. Here is a YouTube list of various types. I think I like the art journals the best and intend to try to make one in the future. Organizing things and clutter can be a creative endeavor such as new ways to manage space, pretty ways to store items, unique ways to use shelf space, and decorating ugly things that cannot be put away or hidden because you use them regularly. I admit I have not done any of that since I no longer have my own place and just rent a room. I have crochet and done paint by numbers but its been a few years since I have done the last two. In the past, I have made jewelry, scraped book, and created personal photo albums. I forgot to say I like to make dream catcher’s and Mandela’s.
ANGST: None. Just Nerves.
Fear is always knocking at the door, but if I don’t open the door and face it I will never get anywhere, right? I am hoping my new ventures will help me become more of a finisher. I know 2019 has already been a busy writing year with great possibility and change writing wise.
Vanessa Wells and I have teamed up to create anthologies we love to read. We just had our first call for submission for Grumpy Old Gods Volume One. Yes, volume one. We had over a hundred submissions. So many good stories but only room for ten. Dang it was hard, but because of the high quality of submissions we decided to do a Grumpy Old Gods Volume Two.
And then we decided, hey, if we are going to do more than one, lets give this a good go. We will be doing at least two more anthologies Faeries and Mermaids TBA sometime this year. So stay tuned. We will be doing a call for submission soon for Grumpy Old Gods Volume Two. Same criteria as the volume one.
We have set up a website and a newsletter. Storm Dance Publications website. If you would like to keep up with us and stay up to date and hear about our future anthologies and calls for submission this is our newsletter. Storm Dance Newsletter. Twitter.
A bit of trivia. We named it Storm Dance because she lives in Texas where tornado’s are frequent and I live in Florida where we go through hurricane season every year, June-November.
This has developed into something bigger than we both planned, but we are excited about it. We are learning a lot of new things, developing and honing new skills, and becoming more focused.
It has been fun sharing the experience and doing it with someone else. I think we inspire each other. I know she inspires me and helps me direct my focus. Thank you, Vanessa.

Author Spotlight Guidelines

Storytime Quarterly Blog Hop April 24th, Wed.
Links Due: April 19th, Friday

IWSG Goodreads Book Club Selection: FEBRUARY/MARCH IS:
This book was chosen by members for setting, so that will be the focus of the our discussion memorable ways settings was used within the story and what we learned. The discussion will start on March 20th and will go to the end of the month, but it will be up indefinitely, so you can hop in whenever you’re able.
2019 has brought a lot updates and changes in the way we are doing IWSG Book club. I think you will like them. Find out about the changes here.
March 20th Join Us Here.

Cover Reveal IWSG Anthology
Masquerade: Oddly Suited
Find love at the ball…
Can a fake dating game show lead to love? Will a missing key free a clock-bound prince? Can a softball pitcher and a baseball catcher work together? Is there a vampire living in Paradise, Newfoundland? What’s more important—a virtual Traveler or a virtual date to the ball?
Ten authors explore young love in all its facets, from heartbreak to budding passion.
Featuring the talents of L.G. Keltner, Jennifer Lane, C.D. Gallant-King, Elizabeth Mueller, Angela Brown, Myles Christensen, Deborah Solice, Carrie-Anne Brownian, Anstice Brown, and Chelsea Marie Ballard.
Hand-picked by a panel of agents and authors, these ten tales will mystify and surprise even as they touch your heart. Don your mask and join the party…
Masquerade: Oddly Suited
An Insecure Writer’s Support Group Anthology
Release date – April 30, 2019
Young Adult Fiction: Romance – General/Paranormal/Contemporary
Print ISBN 9781939844644
EBook ISBN 9781939844651

Alone in a Room with Invisible People!
Alone in a Room with Invisible People is a podcast focusing on topics related to writing, revising and publishing fiction. Weekly episodes on iTunes | Stitcher | Podbean | YouTube | Spotify The podcast is 100% free and sponsored only by Holly’s WritingClasses.com. (not an affiliate link)
Do you like podcasts about writing? Then you will love this one. I do!
Writer’s Gambit January Author Spotlights
Storytime Blog Hop January Juneta Key Don’t Drink The Water!
Used this story for Storytime from 2016 to get some reader input opinion and interest for story stats.
Writer’s Gambit Newsletter
Sign up to stay up to date and hear about my news. Bonus background desktop on sign up.
February 17, 2019 @ 12:55
You are up to a lot. I had no idea that you were doing anthologies. That is awesome. Way to go!
Storm Dance is a great name. I love it…as someone fascinated by storms. 😉
February 15, 2019 @ 10:11
“Fear is always knocking at the door, but if I don’t open the door and face it I will never get anywhere, right?” Love that! I have a quote (can’t remember the source) on a post-it on my computer screen: “Everything you want is on the other side of fear.” It really helps 🙂
Great trivia about Storm Dance! I’m so excited — I already have characters and storylines vying for attention for Vol2 🙂
Ronel visiting for Feb’s IWSG Day Being an Insecure Writer — And Happy About It
February 11, 2019 @ 23:31
Very cool about getting into the anthology biz! I hope they do well for you. Anthologies can be such a good career boost for newer writers, especially if you have established names in the mix as well.
February 9, 2019 @ 16:30
Hi, Juneta! I love that Grumpy Old Gods book title and cover. So funny. I wish I could sketch or draw. My daughter draws wonderfully. She sure didn’t get her talent from me. All best to you, my dear!
February 8, 2019 @ 13:55
Oh wow, you are creative! It is so good for the soul. Good luck on your new venture, Juneta!
February 8, 2019 @ 11:18
I too enjoy drawing. I used to scrapbook everything, but now I simply keep up with photographs.
Storm Dance Publications sounds like a lot of fun. I look forward to your first and future volumes to be released.
Great post with lots of good content.
February 8, 2019 @ 11:02
Drawing and coloring are big creative outlets for me as well. In my mind, though, they’re so tied up with my writing process I almost don’t think of them as separate things. I often draw whatever I’m writing about, and I often write about whatever I draw. The two feed off of each other.
February 7, 2019 @ 17:28
That sure is a ton of submissions indeed. Sure sound like you are creative in many a way.
February 7, 2019 @ 06:22
Woo-hoo! You go girl! You’ve started the year with a bang and I’m looking forward to seeing what else you do. 🙂
February 6, 2019 @ 22:39
Yes, fear is always, relentlessly, knocking on the door. But man, you are kicking butt this year!
You remind me that early in the blogging era, I used to dink around designing templates. Self-taught html and coding. Now, no need. So many talented coders putting out beautiful templates. But boy, can I waste some time on book covers now.
February 6, 2019 @ 21:08
Your 2019 is humming along, Juneta! I’m looking forward to seeing your projects unfold.
February 6, 2019 @ 15:11
Wow! Busy. Busy. Good luck with the new adventure. I hope it brings both of you much happiness. 🙂
Anna from elements of emaginette
February 6, 2019 @ 17:04
Thank you. The happiness it already provides. I just hope we can make a little money, but who knows we will give it our best shot.
February 6, 2019 @ 15:02
Grumpy Old Gods is a great title, Juneta. You have so much happening and about to happen that as I read your post, I had to take a break. 🙂
All my best on you next adventures in 2019.
February 6, 2019 @ 17:03
Thank you.
February 6, 2019 @ 13:17
I admire your creativity and the Grumpy Old Gods series sounds like a fun read. We share the seasonal Storm Dance, too. We live on a boat on the Pacific side of Mexico (a few miles north of Puerto Vallarta, MX). Hurricane season is loaded with excitement.
Lynn La Vita IWSG blog: Writers Supporting Writers
February 6, 2019 @ 13:51
Yikes! I would not want to be on a boat during a hurricane, lol. I am in Central Florida about an hour either direction to the ocean. Last year a hurricane hit us going directly over us, and luckily this new area we live in fared better than the rest of the town. The sound itself is scary and those continual high winds for hours, oh my.
February 6, 2019 @ 13:15
Congrats on the new endeavor. I can only imagine how much time it takes but it sounds wonderful. And, I love the name. It has energy, danger, and passion all in one.
February 6, 2019 @ 13:46
Yes. It definitely takes time. It requires me doing whether I feel like it or not, and I like that because I think it is something I need to learn. Thank you.
February 6, 2019 @ 13:11
Woot for the anthologies! That’s awesome!
February 6, 2019 @ 13:44
Thank you.
February 6, 2019 @ 10:01
You are right that we have to open that fear door. I struggle with that at time. Congrats on your anthology!
February 6, 2019 @ 13:43
Thank you. I know, I know, but here I go.
February 6, 2019 @ 07:58
I’m so glad your anthology is going well. Congratulations!
February 6, 2019 @ 13:42
Thank you.
February 6, 2019 @ 02:37
Look at you, entrepreneuring all over the place. 🙂
February 6, 2019 @ 13:41
I know, lol. Surprise, surprise. Thank you for visiting with me.
February 5, 2019 @ 19:12
Storm Dance Publications – love it!
You sound like you’ve done a lot of the same creative things I’ve done. No book covers though. I leave that to my illustrator.
February 6, 2019 @ 13:40
Thank you. Vanessa is actually doing the covers for us for the anthology. She is pretty good at it. I may try my hand in the future. I have a writing forum where they let put up covers with test groups to vote for best version and suggestions on Hollyeswritingclasses.com when I decide to do for my own book, but I am still planning to hire for cover. Vanessa is using the test forum for covers too.
February 5, 2019 @ 18:47
That’s awesome you have enough for more than one volume of the anthology. I mean wow, that’s a lot of submissions!
February 6, 2019 @ 13:35
Yes, it was and a lot of reading and deciding. We got a lot of good story and it made it hard to decide, which is why volume two. We will be opening volume two up for submission too, but a few we ask to resubmit.